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  1. S

    Original Manuf. of Mesa SP12AX7s from Mid-90s?

    how are those vintage Mullards or Tung Sols usually in terms of gain? i play rather high-gain sounds, and i like having tons of gain available if i need it. yep, i know about the Mesa tubes and warranty issue. i'm keeping all my stock tubes in case something happens and i need to swap them...
  2. S

    V1 and Mark V Tone

    yeah, that's pretty much out of my reach. there is the New Sensor Mullard reissue, those are available. but the Groove Tubes Mullard reissue that lots of people love is all sold out.
  3. S

    Original Manuf. of Mesa SP12AX7s from Mid-90s?

    i'm almost positive there's nothing wrong with the amp. the Mark V just seems to sound rather bright, to more than a few people, and especially with the stock JJs. i'm running pretty dark speakers, Celestion Classic Lead 80 and a CL80 clone, and i've already swapped the 6L6s for russian...
  4. S

    Original Manuf. of Mesa SP12AX7s from Mid-90s?

    i'm trying to reduce the sizzly high-end on the high gain channels in my Mark V. i like thick high-gain sounds, but the stock JJ preamp tubes were too bright for me. i've put a Tung Sol reissue in V1. i've tried several tubes in V3: JJ 83S (too bright, probably since it's the same tube as...
  5. S

    V1 and Mark V Tone

    when i put a Tung Sol reissue in V1, it didn't help a ton with the sizzle and ice-pick treble. IIRC, it made the overall sound a bit smoother and a bit more rich, but it wasn't a night and day difference, especially in terms of the high-end or treble response. one thing that did make a...
  6. S

    V1 and Mark V Tone

    interesting. so the harsh high end is reduced? does it sound sizzly in the very high end, or smooth? i too have been having way too much icepick-in-the-ear treble and too much high-end sizzle on Ch 2 and 3. (i run high-grain tones.) if i dial the Presence down, the sizzle goes away but the...
  7. S

    What color tubes did your FIVE come with?

    no, because the codes aren't quality but variation in how hot/cold the tubes run. but according to a Mesa tech, you may find minor differences based on how early or late the different color-coded tubes break up. see this thread, the last post on the page, for a good explanation of the...
  8. S

    What color tubes did your FIVE come with?

    mine came with Yellow. i'm going to ask for White or Blue when i order a new set, to try and get a bit of earlier breakup.
  9. S

    Let's hear em'. Best/Worst speakers,cabs,combinations

    i think most all the Recto cabs use V30s, so you'll want to take that into account. i swapped out the V30 in my oversized 1x12 last night for a Classic Lead 80 clone from WGS, and it sounds much better--no sizzly buzzy highs.
  10. S

    Retubing my Mark V combo?

    good--glad to hear it. i disagree--it makes sense to me. i read somewhere while looking for answers on the color progression (i forget if it was on Mesa's site or GT's site) that the color codes aren't tubes that failed testing, but rather tubes that test more toward one end or other of the...
  11. S

    Retubing my Mark V combo?

    by "this," you mean the Mesa tech's list, right? thanks so much! that all makes sense. so both GT and Mesa are correct; it just depends on what type of amp the tubes are in. thanks again.
  12. S

    Retubing my Mark V combo?

    huh? wtf? what the Groove Tubes website says is exactly opposite what a Mesa tech emailed me. i pasted what he said word-for-word from his email. i don't give two sh!ts for controversy or what you erroneously think is BS. i just want to know which Mesa color code of tubes will break up...
  13. S

    Retubing my Mark V combo?

    except that's the opposite progression from what a Mesa tech told me: so i don't know which one is right.
  14. S

    Mesa Static

    interesting. i've never had this hum on any other amp, including Boogies, but all my other amps going back 15 years were rack setups. but yep, it only crops up when i lean over to the amp to tweak the settings, so no big deal.
  15. S

    Mesa Static

    that's exactly what i too assumed he meant when he said it sounded like a computer, since they both have low-speed cooling fans. as for the static, i get a low-to-medium volume windy noise from the high-gain channels all the time, channel 3 especially with the Bright on and Mk I mode especially...
  16. S

    Let's hear em'. Best/Worst speakers,cabs,combinations

    great thread, especially since i'm having trouble getting good "in the room" sound from the Mark V and my speakers. in my studio i run an iso-boxed 1x12 with a well-used Celestion Classic Lead 80 mic'ed a bit off-axis with a 57, and it sounds great--nice and not fizzy highs, thick mids, solid...
  17. S

    Mark V: Mark IV mode squealing, need help

    how are your pickups? any chance they could be microphonic? i get squealing in the Mk IV mode (Bright switch on and gain pretty high) when using any pickups that are even slightly microphonic. even if they work fine with other amps and Mk V modes, they squeal uncontrollably on Mk IV mode...
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    sweeping generalizations

    what forums might those be? the S/N here has been a bit lower lately than i care for.
  19. S

    MKV lettering rubbing off on faceplate

    great to hear that they're taking care of you. but be _really_ careful with lacquer. true nitrocellulose lacquer has nasty solvents in it, which might dissolve the letters and even dissolve the coating on the metal. most other spray lacquers have solvents too, although they aren't toxic to...
  20. S

    EL34's in a Mark V Anyone tried it?

    i've been running Russian 5881s (the heavy-duty 5881 that is a substitude for a 6L6) for that same purpose. for some reason, with my pickups and speakers (CL80, not V30s) i'm getting lots of shrill high-end -- ice-pick-in-the-ear treble. my quad of 5881s have some miles on them already, so...