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  1. S

    Who Plays Straight Into Their Mesa?

    Straight in my recto...i prefer to wait few weeks finishing my wet/dry/wet rig instead of passing my distortion in series with digital reverb...
  2. S

    Love the raw tone, but need some help dialing it in...

    ?!??! :shock: Decrease treble a little and bass a lot (9 O'clock), boost the mid at 1-2 O'clock. Keep the master low while you increase the gain till you get a descent distortion (stop when the distortion start [breakup point]) Then increase the master a little over the breakup point...
  3. S

    Not happy with Rack Setup - What Would you Do In my place?

    Sorry! I didn't see you got a roadster combo! maybe you just must change the prophesy(sell it) for a good effect processor and use the 2:50 for a wet/dry/wet rig with the roadster! Don't really need a bunch of mesa. They're all great amps! You can already tweek the sound into a hundred of style...
  4. S

    Not happy with Rack Setup - What Would you Do In my place?

    Wise suggestion, having gear acquisition syndrome is not good for the wallet. Putting EL34 in your 2:50 might give a killer sound to recto pre though. I tried the recto pre with a 2:50, it was bassy (i mean a lot) if you like to have a lot of bass keep the 6L6. Mesa rules!
  5. S

    I get too much bass out of the Dual Recto on clean.

    What are the speakers your marshall cab? but i don't think the problem is there. Maybe you should increase the presence. Like this the sound is becoming more light...but more sparkling. I'm suprised you cannot remove the bass. Try different kind of cab maybe you'll find something better. You can...
  6. S

    Help my band in the Battle of the Bands!

    Homework done. If you have better sound quality demo i would like to hear it! Good luck! :wink:
  7. S

    Dual Rec with Triaxis????

    Cannot tell, i tried my recto pre/2:100 in the store with a stereo cab at 4ohms and in two 4X12 cab at 8ohms and it seems to be has much powerful as in a single 4X12 cab. I remember that i use to own a solo head 50 with a 2X12 cab and i changed for a 4X12 straight cab it was a little less...
  8. S

    Dual Rec with Triaxis????

    Funny you ask this cause i tried a tri-axis in the return of my solo head 50 last year. Today i played with my friends tri-axis and i there was a big difference with th 2:90. Don't know if it's not good to play always like this though(without both stereo output connected). If i recall it well...
  9. S

    Marshall 1960 4x12 vs. Mesa Stiletto 4x12

    for my part i think i'm going to buy used a marshall cab just for the 75's that i will put in my mesa straight cab. I will put the vintage in my wet section cabs. :wink:
  10. S

    Rectos aren't tight? bullshit

    They are really great i'm going to see the other videos...
  11. S

    Rectos aren't tight? bullshit

    here we have an exemple of fuckin' tight musicians! There is no other way than make the recto sound good as hell!!!! Thanks for the vid! 8)
  12. S

    Trying to make a decision - Stiletto Ace 2x12 or Roadster 2x

    Last night i've been listening to my old metallica's album and i was thinking how much nice the mark series sound with an EQ. Just by what you mentionned, go for a mark head with a cab! (head sounds better than combo, especially for metal)
  13. S

    G-System or G-Force

    :shock: +1
  14. S

    Hey everyone...Post some pics of your custom color Boogies.

    That is just nice! Man you give me GAS!
  15. S

    Dream Recording Rig?

    +1 He could buy a second hand mesa, depend on his taste and remaster the sound (if you're not direct recording with a preamp) with an eventide eclipse harmonizer bought used on ebay (expensive but it worth the price for the quality and free technical support/updates you can have on
  16. S

    Have you ever A/B tested 3ch DR vs recto pre/2:100

    Check this out, he engage the modern mode on the 2:100 while he use the CAE! Maybe you could live without the recto pre...
  17. S

    Have you ever A/B tested 3ch DR vs recto pre/2:100

    Yes i agree with you, i better like the sound from the head than the preamp version but i tried the slave out in the store, i tought it was good for the wet/dry system, maybe i should try more... :shock: If one day he makes one for you, tell him to make another one for me! :wink:
  18. S

    Have you ever A/B tested 3ch DR vs recto pre/2:100

    OMG! Your right on man, ask to SamHill, he got the same kind of setting CAE with the 2:100...yes in this case it won't be a bad idea at all. Try the the recto pre with the 2:100 as soon as possible! For my part i was going to sell my recto/2:100 for a roadking, just for being able to use the...
  19. S

    Have you ever A/B tested 3ch DR vs recto pre/2:100

    IMO the dual sound more bassy with endless gain. The recto pre/2:100 is more focused in mids perhaps you can put the channel master over the breakup point (with not too much gain) you'll get a very agressive,brutal attack and the bass increase so much that you have to reduce it at 9 o'clock...
  20. S

    F50 ***** reverb

    I never liked reverb in amps at all but i tought about something...maybe trying it with a prorackG decimator should give a very good result.