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  1. S

    bill lawrence question

    I personnaly prefer my L-500XL very close to the strings...for high output and more bass...i have a Q-filter whenever i want to decrease the impedance. You shouldn't mind about the pups being close to the strings. :wink:
  2. S

    mark III vs. Quad & 50/50

    IMHO i would go with 395 or 400 over the 50/50( for a brutal sound :twisted: ) but if you like a lot of bass in your sound the 50/50 is maybe better for your needs...and it could be switch at 25/25 watts!(not like the 2:50) :( You could get a good deal on a 50/50 on EvilBay.
  3. S

    bill lawrence question

    :shock: I'm sure it's a kick *** set! :shock:
  4. S

    bill lawrence question

    Very good question, First i prefer to play with the rectifier... 2nd i prefer the l-600 over the l-500 (especially for power chords [pantera metallica...etc]) but i own both. I love the l-500 for clean with the neck pick-up and i admit it could be more adapted to play a "Steve Vai" style...
  5. S

    New to the Boogie Board, have a question

    Cool! but i still wanna have the opinion of a mesa tech for further info. I already know that you can use a switcher between the recto pre's record output and amp output for different sounds. The SP with a fender dual showman amp must sound great in your 2X12!
  6. S

    New to the Boogie Board, have a question

    I just left a message too few minutes ago, i'm pretty confident they'll call back soon... I'm just wondering if i can connect only 1 ouput from my recto pre in a head's power amp section without problem... or i need to put a load( some-kind of resitor in the second ouput)
  7. S

    New to the Boogie Board, have a question

    It could take 3 days but they'll call you back. :wink:
  8. S

    Should I sell my Prophesy for a Triaxis and G-Force?

    No question, yes. At that price you can't be wrong.
  9. S

    6V6 Power Tubes in a 2:100 ??

    Ah yeah? Say do you have clip of the triaxis with the 2:100? It would be cool to hear it...
  10. S

    Look who's back at it...

    It seems that happened with the 4X12 cab...
  11. S

    My rectifier preamp?2:100 sound weak and thin. help!!!

    i actually unpluged the input A not the speaker. The 2:100 is O.K. cause the problem is only on my preamps 2nd channel.
  12. S

    Recto pre sound thin and weak

    My recto recording/2:100 sarted to sound thin with no bass since i tested the power amp without one input connected from the recto pre with a tech from ISPtechnologies. I tapped each preamp's tubes with a pen and they seems O.K. Hope i didn't damage the power shouldn't isn't? BTW i...
  13. S

    My rectifier preamp?2:100 sound weak and thin. help!!!

    My recto recording/2:100 sarted to sound thin with no bass since i tested the power amp without one input connected from the recto pre with a tech from ISPtechnologies. I tapped each preamp's tubes with a pen and they seems O.K. Hope i didn't damage the power shouldn't isn't?
  14. S

    Help me find my tone

    Do you like Eric Peterson's sound on The Gathering? he used dual rectifier with emg81 and duncan distortion pups. I saw in another thread the triple rectifier was used for the Testament's Demonic album. Do you like both recents Dream theather (John Petrucci's) albums it's a markIV (less...
  15. S

    Using G Major with Triaxis...

    Yes but...there's always wet/dry system despite of not being able to use tremolo effects, EQ, compression,'s a good compromise though. :)
  16. S

    A little high???

  17. S

    My new rig!

    Congrat man! You got a great amp. The first i tried in my whole life and the most powerful clean amp in the world. **** i love this amp, i'm seriously thinking about getting one for gigging too. :wink:
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    New Mesa Boogie Mark IV Clip: Lead & Rhythm Clip!

    Great playing! I liked that. 8) BTW is there James Labrie singing on the record? :D You give me gas for a mark IV!
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    midi mate with tri axis...

    LOL :lol: Very funny cause if i do it i won't be suprised he would have some difficulty to find how to re-do it :lol: but he's not as bad as i make it look, he's not bad at all just he need more explanation than some other people...
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    midi mate with tri axis...

    It's O.K. i visit the (pessimist) guy in the morning. I first checked in the manual then i start to connect the power supply while he was complaining: "don't even try, it won't work i did it and there's nothing to do..." i had time to finish then he turn himself in the direction of the midi mate...