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  1. S

    Post your Rig!

    Nice gear! and your son is playing agent orange!??! I didn't heard about that since longtime ago! I used to skateboard in a half-pipe while i was listening to that band when i was only a teenager, great band though.
  2. S

    Recto Pre,50/50 what next?

    +1, any suggestion for a good quality EQ?
  3. S

    Recto 2:100 Power amp trouble. One side louder.

    just a little advise, maybe you already know that you should exchange the tube in "mirror" (exchange both extremity[each side] and same with the middle (paired vertically). Hope it helped...
  4. S

    best pickups to compliment the Roadster

    I know there's no absolute truth for pups and everybody has different taste but i could say the Bill Lawrence L-600 enhance the capability of the rectifier to do a lead sound. A friend of mine is crazy about the John petrucci's sound and didn't like the L-500L at first(BTW it got an...
  5. S

    Demo of a song with MKIV

    Gas attack! :shock:
  6. S

    all DC clips in here

    You got skills :shock:
  7. S

    [vid] The Dark Eternal Night (intro) - Mark IV

    Man, i loved it!
  8. S

    Post your Rig!

    I'll tell you what's worth (after I reached 20 000$ debt on the credit of my account just for music equipment): BE MINIMALIST! I think you got all you need, you should just add a Decimator pedal in the loop, that's all! Nice rig!
  9. S

    Post your Rig!

    it's perfect for a wet/dry setting, with a DCM150 (bridge in mono) it could do it.
  10. S

    Rec pre relay switching..

    Never heard about that. I used the G-major with a solo head 50 long time enough to know i didn't damage nothing (and what to say about the few hundred of people who's doing it?). I tried it with my recto pre to show it was working when i sold it. BTW last night i wasn't sleepin cause i was...
  11. S

    What kind of Dual Recto is this???

    i was looking for an amp that play metal and the dealer even didn't want me to try it, he told me it's more a bluesy style.
  12. S

    Mark 1

    Sorry i can't compare cause i don't know about the clean on the IIC+ but from what i know about this amp you shouldn't look further...maybe you should find a mark I and try it...
  13. S

    Mark 1

    it's not a two channels and just do overdrive (not distortion) and it's the kind of (very) powerful clean that stay beautiful even if the volume is at 10!!!'n%20Onions.mp3
  14. S

    Which would you choose-2CH. Dual Rec or Recto Pre?

    I would be tempted by the recto 2 ch.. The way i understand it you keep the 2:90 right? If you can have a clean channel from another preamp (with the 2:90) in your rackmount i still would go for the A/B switching idea. I own the recto pre (in repair :( ) the reason why i prefer the preamp...
  15. S

    Which would you choose-2CH. Dual Rec or Recto Pre?

    You could get the 2 ch. recto and A/B switch between it and your rackmount for solos...that's what i would do.
  16. S

    Mark 1

    All i know is this is the most impressive amp i ever tried! I'm planning to buy a mark I after i paid my debts...
  17. S

    .50 Caliber got heavy tone?

    is this good for lead? i mean better than rectifier...**** i'd like to ear a clip :(
  18. S

    .50 Caliber got heavy tone?

    Is this true this amp can get an heavy crunch?...i mean heavy, i don't imagine a recto tone but is somebody thinking it can be good for solos (with a punchy mid?) it's very hard for me to imagine maybe somebody got a clip? Thanks.
  19. S

    how much for a studio preamp?

    Is 600$CAD (maybe a little bit more... let's say 640 $US) ok for a studio preamp in good condition? Thanks.