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  1. U

    Got a Studio Pre...should I get a Quad too?

    +1 the FU2 switch...
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    Got a Studio Pre...should I get a Quad too?

    wow...i've never had a problem channel switching with my Quad.
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    Looking for a boost pedal....down to two choices

    i'm all about the fulldrive 2 and the fulltone fat boost. i run them both 18v and it's killer. they make any amp sound good...but then again, that's just my ears.
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    Got a Studio Pre...should I get a Quad too?

    i have the opposite problem...i have a quad and i want to get a studio pre too!
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    The Studio Pre is the holy grail!

    i'm looking to get a studio pre too. i have a quad now that i run through a strategy 500. i'd like something a little easier to manage, like a studio pre into a 50/50. that would warm the cockles of my heart!
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    What preamps are you guys using........

    quad + strategy 500 + 2 ampeg 2x12 cabinets. i love the stereo thing. when i run a leslie simulator or any stereo effects it sounds killer. wide and dynamic...very cool
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    quad channel question

    my quad lead channel 1 is dead. any one have any ideas why? it's not noisy just completely dead. the other 3 channels and the 2 eq channels are fine. any suggestions would be very helpful! Thanks...
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    Price Check on a Tremoverb Head

    i have one that I'm thinking of selling. I had no idea they were that sought after. WOW!
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    Just got a Quad

    i paid $600 for mine too and it's also in great condition.
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    strategy 500 fuse question

    thanks again! i got it up and running. i can't believe i let it sit so long. i'm running it with my quad and it sounds sick!!! my quad could probably use a retube soon...looking like i'm off to talk to doug!
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    Just got a Quad

    i just picked up a quad as well. what an animal! i'm powering it with a strategy 500 and my god what a beast!
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    strategy 500 fuse question

    thanks for your help!
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    strategy 500 fuse question

    I have a strategy 500 that i'm looking to get back in shape. It blew a fuse a ways back and i never bothered to replace it. Since then, I've lost the fuse and have no idea what kind it was. If memory serves me right, it was a 4amp slo-blo. But then again that may have been my Tremoverb...