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    20 year old power tubes. STR-416 and 6L6GC info help?

    Thanks for all the help and info guys. You've helped me to uncover a terrible mistake. I bought and sold a green stripe MkIII head a couple years ago. While digging through some digital pictures of my gear I found proof that I had mistakenly left the original STR-415 tubes from the blue...
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    20 year old power tubes. STR-416 and 6L6GC info help?

    Thanks for the info. Is it possible that the 6L6GC tubes are Mesa's STR-415? They should be the same age as the EL-34s since they come from the same amp. I think the 6L6s used to have the Mesa stamp on the glass but I may have cleaned off the remaining paint a few years ago. Does anyone know...
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    20 year old power tubes. STR-416 and 6L6GC info help?

    The tubes in the photos below are from my '88 blue stripe Mk-III. These are the original tubes with very low hours. The EL34s are marked with STR-416. Not much info on the 6L6 tubes. Ultimately I'd like to determine the manufacturer and value of the set. Any help would be greatly...
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    Yes, it is. We've traded emails regarding the amp and tone settings in the past. I have two MkIIIs now so one must go.
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    Thanks Fritzreiser!!
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    Voodooman. Disappeared?

    I've been waiting almost a month for a pedal from Voodooman. Paid via PayPal on Feb. 15th. Nothing yet. What can I do to get my money back through PayPal?
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    Voodooman. Disappeared?

    Same scenario with me. I ordered the exact same item as you. Via email Voodooman stated shipment would be Friday 2/22. Nothing has arrived yet. I just want my money back at this point.
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    Mark lll Head count

    12/88 Blue Stripe MkIII, long head with reverb, simul-class, EQ & R2 mod. I leave this one at home for band practice. 6/90 Green Stripe MkIII, long head with reverb, simul-class, EQ & R2 mod. This one goes to gigs. Both are smokin'.
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    My Mark III needs some work!

    I've experienced the volume swell issue as well. Mike B. at Boogie adjusted my green stripe so that the channel switching would happen quicker. This eliminated the volume swell issue. He changed something to do with relays, LDR, er somethin' er other and now the switching is virtually...
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    Which Mark III stripe is for me?

    Glad to hear you like the green stripe combo, Cap. Great amp.
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    Mark III -Blue vs Green ...thoughts? advice? nuclear option?

    I own both blue and green stripe MkIII heads. The difference between them is subtle. My opinion of which is better changes weekly. They are both great amps. I play in a cheesy wedding band and cover everything from Steely Dan to Greenday. The MkIII will do it all. For $500 you can't go...
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    Which Mark III stripe is for me?

    I currently own a blue and green. I've also owned a black stripe. My opinion of which amp is better changes each week. I played the green stripe at an outdoor festival this weekend and turned her up loud! So this week the green stripe is my favorite. The differences are subtle. Get the one...
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    For Sale: MkIII Green Stripe combo

    MkIII Green Stripe combo is back on the market. Just put an EVM 12L speaker in it. Details above.
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    MkIII lead channel master volume problem

    Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'll play the amp at tomorrow night's gig and see if it does better or worse throughout the night. Just spent a few minutes comparing the channel switching on my blue stripe head and green stripe combo to that of the green stripe head (the one that's giving me...
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    MkIII lead channel master volume problem

    I installed the new LDR provided by Mike B. Learned a couple things. 1) I don't have the steady hands of a surgeon and 2) Leave electronics repairs to the professionals. Anyhow, the problem I was experiencing with the lead master seems to have disappeared but a new one is in it's place. The...
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    For all you Mark III folks who wonder about the reverb...

    I must be one of the weird ones. I'm actually very happy with the MkIII reverb. My reverb level is set on 6 on both the blue and green stripe. My little pea brain thinks it's cool as hell to be able to footswitch back and forth between a higher and lower reverb level. The higher reverb level...