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  1. S

    gig vids

    Thought I would post a couple of vids, sound quality sucks but they were taken by a guy who works with us during our annual banquet. Excuse my Flubs. I am playing the green PRS through my Mesa Roadster, the other guitar player is playing his PRS through a Vox AC30 with a OCD...
  2. S

    Help me pick a new BOOGIE please

    Sounds good, listened to a few of your tracks nice tune choice! How is the lovely metropolis of goderich? I can't say I have ever heard of summerfest there even though I am relatively close in London. PS I have a roadster head and 2x12 cab and love it, very versatile!
  3. S

    Dual Rec vs. Triple Rec vs Roadking vs Roadster

    Where are you located? I have seen a couple of roadster's recently come up for sale used on a couple of websites, One in Toronto and One on the east coast I believe. There is no Longe and McQuade near you??
  4. S

    Quality PET PEEVE

    slipcover was on it and it was one of the padded ones that has the pocket for the pedal board at the back and pedal board was in it with flat side towards the amp. Beats the hell out of me how it got hit but it did. Don't get me wrong I love the amp and used to think they are built like tanks...
  5. S

    Quality PET PEEVE

    I recently got a Mesa Roadster (1 Month ago). Have used it for a few practices and today was my second gig with it. I am really careful with my gear and take good care of it. Today I packed up the SUV to go to the gig. Got to the gig and noticed the reverb knob on the rear of the amp channel...
  6. S

    How come only young bands play Mesas?

    Very Nice!! What type of pickups are in it? I Have the standard that you can a bit of in the picture, and love it.
  7. S

    How come only young bands play Mesas?

    I'm 38 and this is what I gig through: PS: John Love the Custom LP!!!!!!
  8. S

    Stiletto's loop

    If the delay you have is the DL4 (large four buttom green delay) I had the same problem as well as the fact that the volume would drop when engaged. The DL4 is not made to run through the loop. I called Mesa to find out what the problem was and they advised me of the same. I then browsed it...
  9. S

    how do you use the effects loop??

    Hey folks I have never really used an effects loop before. Can someone give me the "using an effects loop for dummies" lesson. I have a pedal board with a boss Tuner, Wah Pedal, OCD, MXR Phase 90, and Line 6 DL4. Should I only run certain things through it or everything? What is the...
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    Cutting through the mix????

    A gibson Les paul standard, fender telecaster with noiseless pickups, Eric Clapton Custom shop strat, my cab in the roadster 2x12 cab.
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    Cutting through the mix????

    Thanks I will see how that works, I was standing back about 10 feet with the other guitarist at the time.
  12. S

    Cutting through the mix????

    Well right now it is the mix at band practice. I just got the amp two days ago and am still getting used to it. Have a gig in a couple of weeks so will find out more then. I see you are usuing a roadster head and 2x12 cab as well, any issues with it being too bassy for you and what type of...
  13. S

    Cutting through the mix????

    Not really for leads more so in the grand mix of things when playing with the other guitar player who plays through a vox AC30 with an OCD overdrive. Thanks for the reply's so far, I just foudn after I used the presets in the book they seemed to sound rather muddy in a band mix.
  14. S

    Cutting through the mix????

    Hey folks I am new here and just recently got a Mesa Boogie Roadster Head and 2x12 matching cab. I have gone through the manual and tried some of the settings listed. I find that alone the amp has some great tones but when I played at my band practice last night I found it was hard to cut...