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  1. N

    Engl Savage 120 vs Uberschall Twin Jet vs Cobra vs Roadster

    Dewy you def want a mark III don't listen to anyone else :wink:
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    New Rig Pics (AKA keeping it simple...)

    where do you put the ramen noodles in your pedal chain? BTW I WANT A RC20XL SOOOOOOO BADLY :(
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    Is a certain amount of hum normal

    Well, every amp makes a little noise by itself, but a hum coming out of a speaker generally means you have a ground loop of some sort. You might want to try to unhook everything and run your amp just guitar into amp into cab. if theres a hum then its probably from a bad outlet or just your amp...
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    Guitar Amp Microphones??

    I run a 57 and a 609 for my stereo rig. both are awesome mics, you can also check out a md421 its another awesome mic but its a little more money
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    **NY/ LI AMPFEST 5/2/09**

    UPDATE We are gonna be pushing the date back a month so that everyone can take advantage of this, there are a good amount of people that would like to go and couldn't attend due to short notice so we are rescheduling. The date will be May 2nd 5/2/09 at Dare Studios 1pm
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    **NY/ LI AMPFEST 5/2/09**

    PLEASE BE AWARE THIS HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED FOR 5/2/09 Hey guys I figured I'd extend this invitation here. We are having an ampfest this Saturday the 4th at 1pm- 4pm @ Dare studios of Deer Park. It will be in the sound stage room which is the massive room (first on right). Dare is exit...
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    Hey guys I finally loaded the vids from last years Andy Timmons mesa clinic. some of you might remember the thread with the pics and settings for both the stiletto and lonestar ( needless to say I got pissed at youtube for taking hours to...
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    Check out my band we're playing in NY

    bump for the day of show :mrgreen: come out and hang talk gear etc, I'll be running stereo on stage.
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    Check out my band we're playing in NY

    Hey guys well I've been on here for a while so I fig'd I'd post up. We're a pretty **** heavy band, if you like drop tuned music check us out We're playing on jan 18th at Traxx in ronkonkoma so if your into heavy music or you like to dance or just like...
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    Wow! I just played through a Mark V!

    Ughhhhh lucky :lol: where can an east coaster try one out:(
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    Stereo Rig with Dual Recto??

    its not hard to do, im running a stereo rig with a triple recto and a vht sig-x it all depends on your preferences and your personal taste. sometimes running two different amps gets you the best of both worlds and a mix of two not so similar amps. regardless what you chose your gonna need 2...
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    Good Rackmount EQ for my Tremoverb?

    I run a DBX 231 EQ and i absolutely love it. its got two channels to it, with 31 bands to get your sound where u want it to be(very precise and easy to use). It has an adjustable gain control on it which makes working it in the loop alot easier. It also has a low cut filter switch to add some...
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    Parkway Drive (PICS LOADED...finally)

    thanks for the pics mesa :D its cool to see theyre runnin a pretty similar rig to me :lol:
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    Noob Alert! - Latency while monitoring during recording

    buffer size normally fixes it, the lower the faster ... then again im not using sonar so go fig :lol:
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    Project i've been working on... give me your thoughts.

    not really familiar with addictive but it seems like the drums really stand out, i def agree with joe web that maybe if u eq them a bit and drop the volume on the bass drum a smidge itll fall in place more. Its really not a bad clip, i think you have a good base to start off with, its just post...
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    HELPPPPP MEE FIND THIS FAULT..PLZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    just because you bought new tubes, doesnt necessarily mean all of your new tubes are working and functioning properly. did u change all your tubes (power, pre, rectifiers) ???
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    noisy Recto

    sounds like microphonic tubes... although it could just be dirty power due to the room your in and runnin alot of gear thru the same circuit. I know with me runnin a stereo rig i have some additional noise but its never too bad. if you got cash get sum tubes otherwise deal with it :lol: oh...
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    Roadking HighGain vs Dual/Triple Rec and Roadster.....

    it all depends what your definition of high gain is :lol: you want the most aggressive amp by mesa you get the triple rec. you want something with similar gain structure but smoother you go roadster. if you want the same power as the roadster but with a more aggressive toan go dual rec...
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    Rectoverb farty/flabby/muddy at high volumes

    This might be stupid to mention but incase you haven't already tried doing so, try to play the amp dry, no effects at all just plug your guitar straight into the amp. (you dont know how many ppl magically forget theyre running a fuzz or pitch shifter, when they leave it on :lol: ) Check that...
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    Factory Tour Video

    Awesome stuff :D