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  1. S

    Timefactor next to amp or on the floor?

    :roll: Thanks to all who chimed in on the cabinet. :roll:
  2. S

    Timefactor next to amp or on the floor?

    Who makes the cabinet in the picture? I can't read it in the picture.
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    Sometimes the Mark V Sounds Great and Sometimes...

    It's funny that so many of us are sensitive to such suttle changes. I have experienced that as well. Same guitar and amp, with same settings. One day later, I am wondering whats the deal. Why does it sound different?
  4. S

    bottle rocket?????????

    Who thinks up these names? bottle rocket, I thought that was the label they gave me because I was always asking tube questions.
  5. S

    Mark III: The white whale

    I own a mark III green stripe, and I tryed the tung-sol 12AX7's in the amp. I switched back to the mesa 12AX7's. Nothing wrong with the tung-sol tubes, I just was not used to them and wanted to stay old school.
  6. S

    Can't believe I just joined the Mark V club!

    Congrads for taking the plunge, I picked up a Mark V combo last month.
  7. S

    Jan 5751 in V1 question

    Thanks for posting that info on the preamp tubes you tried. I had considered trying a 5751 in the v1 position. But, after talking with the mesa tech support and your write up, I will bag the 5751's. I think I have a mullard 12ax7 preamp tube and some tung-sols as well. Maybe I will play...
  8. S

    ''Rate your boogie''

    1989 Mark III Green Stripe 8/10 2010 Mark V Combo 9.5/10
  9. S

    Tube change Mark V help!

    I called Mesa Boogie tech support today. Here is the deal, when in the 6L6 bias mode, all power tubes must be 6L6's. The same holds true for the EL34 bias mode, all tubes must be EL34's. Also, I was told to run quads with the same color code to insure a longer life of the power tube section...
  10. S

    Tube change Mark V help!

    You know I was wondering the similar question about my new mark v amp. Do you have to run 4 EL34's when in this mode when you switch the bais to the EL34 mode? Or can you use just the outside pair for EL34's and keep the inside pair 6l6's like in a mark III? To make my question clear. Right...
  11. S

    NOS Tubes

    I was thinking the same thing when I read it, I just was not going to be the first one to acknowledge it. :D
  12. S

    sell stuff to buy Mark V?

    Play one and that will answer you questions about the amp. Funny thing is I had to play three different mark v amps over several months to make sure I wanted this amp before I pulled the trigger on the third amp. You know what they say, third time is a charm.
  13. S

    Bad-sounding mark 5: tube-issue?

    I can't say anything about the amp you demo/played. I purchased a Mark V 2 weeks back and it knocked my socks off. Clean channel made my ears bleed. channel 2 was where I found more of the sounds I was looking for and the 3 channel made my pee pee stand at attention. I don't play...
  14. S

    Mod kits - Revisited......

    I had the R2 mod done on my mark III. What is the neg. feedback mod about and what does it resolve?
  15. S

    Old vs. New Amp

    Wow! I tend to sense some strong love for the older mesa amps here. I thank everyone who had voiced their thoughts. I guess for now, I will wait and see how well the Mark V covers what I got out of the mark III and make the call in a few weeks.
  16. S

    NOS Tubes

    Thanks, I now understand about the color code, which was not something that was easy for me to find info on. I guess I will have to take the plunge and see. Maybe, I will pick up some preamp lower gain preamp tubes for the v1 position. Looking to get Some NOS 6L6's and some NOS El 34's. So...
  17. S

    NOS Tubes

    Are the NOS tubes worth the price of admission? Probably this question has been asked before and will be asked again. How do you justify the price vs. the benifit? Are they all that in terms of gaining a better tonal colour? I am considering investing in some tubes, both preamp and power. I...
  18. S

    Old vs. New Amp

    I have had a Mark III for a few years now, it's an 89 green stripe. Just last week I purchased a Mark V combo. I took it home, unboxed it and spent the evening reading the manual, till the Zzzz monster got me and that's as far as I got reading. I just moved to a new state last month, so...
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    5751 preamp questions???

    Thanks for that info. I am looking for tripple mica, black plates. Either G.E or the RCA NOS tubes. What I do not understand is, how the different getters come in to play. round, square, and Delta. I am not sure if this is something that I should concern myself with. I want a lower gain as...
  20. S

    5751 preamp questions???

    I play a 60's NOS stratocaster thru my boogie mark III green stripe amp. I am wondering if anyone has had any experience with the 5751 preamp tubes. If so, I would like to know if the hype surrounding them is worth it. Also, what type would work best for me, considering my amp. Thanks!