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  1. T

    Celestion Gold in LSS?

    So Mick, if you had to pick one over the other, which would you pick?
  2. T

    Celestion Gold in LSS?

    Wow - very helpful. So if you had to decide on either the stock speaker or the Tone Tubby in the combo itself without the additional speaker cabinet, which would you pick and why?
  3. T

    Got my first Mesa today !! LSS 1x12 A couple questions

    A compressor seems to do good things to the tone, particularly in the overdrive channel.
  4. T

    Celestion Gold in LSS?

    Thanks for the information rick - what do you mean by "aggressive" in terms of the tonal change with the Celestion Blue? I was thinking about changing the speaker if it would become "sweeter" sounding in terms of both clean and overdrive (if that makes any sense), but "aggressive" sounds like...
  5. T

    Celestion Gold in LSS?

    Well price wise here there isn't a difference, so it really is a question of capability and tone. On Celestion's website they recommend being careful with the Blue to not overload it with too high a rating, but again it would be good to hear from someone who has used them.
  6. T

    V-Twin or something similar for "Recto" voicing?

    Damage Control Solid Metal distortion pedal should do what you want.
  7. T

    Celestion Gold in LSS?

    Last bit of amp tweakery I'm considering is replacing the standard C90 in my LSS 1 x 12 combo with a new Celestion Gold (apparently similar tone to the Blue but 50W rather than 15W power rating). I haven't heard this combination at all, so does anybody have any experience with it, and if so...
  8. T

    New Lonestar Special & RK II Owner - Need Help!!!

    "No really, the LSS may indeed be the sweeter sounding of the lonestars" "Now thats a very subjective statement...the LSC was more articulate and had better warmth" Glad to see you have come over to the Special side... :wink: If sticking with the LSS, retubing with NOS tubes makes an...
  9. T

    LSS Rectifier Tube

    I read something elsewhere where somebody was saying that they like Mullard 5Y3s best, followed by the Bendix. Elsewhere somebody was recommending those branded Philco from the 50s, but of unknown manufacture. Oh well, back to buying more NOS tubes - I shouldn't have asked! :wink: Thanks guys.
  10. T

    Am I crazy for wanting to down-grade??

    That sounds a lot like a LSS with the rear pickup coil tapped. Presumably you already thought of that one as well as the LSC?
  11. T

    LSS Rectifier Tube

    So basically so long as the Mesa 5Y3 rectifier is working I wouldn't hear a difference by moving to say a Mullard 5Y3 or some other nifty NOS tube? i.e. I should not monkey with it? I wasn't think of changing to a different tubes type.
  12. T

    New Lonestar Special & RK II Owner - Need Help!!!

    Maybe the LSS knows you prefer the LSC, and is messing with you. :twisted:
  13. T

    LSS Rectifier Tube

    Does the rectifier tube make much difference to the sound of the LSS? If it does, what are the alternatives and how do they change the tone?
  14. T

    Lonestar Special - preamp tube replacements

    Wow - this setup turns the amp into a completely different instrument. It is even more musical on both clean and drive channels, and the variation in tones I can now get is fantastic. I understand what you meant about the sound becoming more 3D. I loved the amp before, but it sounds simply...
  15. T

    LSC and LSS....Looking for info

    On the headroom point, again the tubes make a big difference here. I'm using NOS Tungsram EL84s which as well as sounding brilliant are also late breakup - not as much headroom as a 100 watter clearly, but good enough for up to mid sized venues. If you are playing stadiums, then follow Dave...
  16. T

    LSC and LSS....Looking for info

    The LSS is (to my ears) sweeter sounding and more articulate than the LSC in general. The clean is best with single coils, the overdrive with humbuckers. It is the best clean I've heard on anything - I used to play a '65 Twin but sold it when I got this amp. It doesn't sound exactly like...
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    Lonestar Special - preamp tube replacements

    Finally bit the bullet, and tubes on the way. New setup will be: V1 Long-plate Mullard 12AX7 with halo getter V2 RFT ECC83 V3 Sylvania black-plate 12AX7 V4 GE long-plate 12AX7 V5 Mullard CV4024 Matched quad of Tungsram EL84s. Will report back after everything in place. Thanks to all, but...
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    What does M.E.S.A. stand for?? ;)

    Most Excellent Sounding Amp Dude...
  19. T

    Rectoverb and the Motherload - Amazing!!

    They are expensive, but worth it from my experience - no more grumpy neighbours and good sounding recording - overdrive with LSS sounds the way it should, which is difficult for a speaker emulator.