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  1. J

    Mk III Red stripe IIC+ conversion, and R2 Volume mod

    hey man im very interested and want to make an offer. is it still available? if it is e-mail me at [email protected]. thanks
  2. J

    Bugera introduces Triple Rec and Mark IV copies

    wow so much for pushing the envelope of creativity. peavey, randall, line 6, carvin all have tried to emulate the boogie amps over the yrs. peavey with the triple x, randall with the v-max, v2 and treadplate module for the rm100 which is thier take on a triple rec, line 6 with the amp modeling...
  3. J

    Addressing the Mark 2C+ vs. the Mark V Discussion

    lol, thats a good one. but the jokes on you. you live in alabama. lol
  4. J

    Addressing the Mark 2C+ vs. the Mark V Discussion

    is that your mark 2c+ in this pic? because if it is, then you didnt read the manual or compare it with a non graphic 2c + before posting your results. remember its not supposed to sound like a 2c + with a graphic. both of my mark 2 amps sound very different from the other. one with eq and one...
  5. J

    Favorite guitar / pickup?

    the reason the 81s are more popular and used much more by guitar companies is because of exactly what you stated. the 85 has a mid scoop and more low end. the problem with the 85s is that if your guitar has natural low end in it, the pick up will enhance it. so if you enhance the wood which has...
  6. J

    Addressing the Mark 2C+ vs. the Mark V Discussion

    hey guys these are my settings in mark iv gain 2:30 mast 4:00 presence 2:30 treble 2:30 mids 10:30 bass 11:00 my eq is on sliders. now on the graphic slides the 80,240,2200 hz sliders even with the word sliders on the left of the eq for the second channel slider/preset switch. so all of those...
  7. J

    Addressing the Mark 2C+ vs. the Mark V Discussion

    i acually tried hooking up my old footpedal eq into the mark v and shut the eq on the head off. the eq in the head sounds way better. this amp is a monster. it needs nothing other than a noise gate for loud high gain,or use an mxr chorous pedal for cleans, which i use. trust me find your sweet...
  8. J

    Anyone else had this problem...............

    i acually had the same problem. i took the footpedal and wire back to the store and tried them on another mark v. it was a bad midi connector in the pedal they swapped with me and gave me the one for the showroom amp. the connector wasnt even loose but the slightest vibration or click of a...
  9. J

    Favorite guitar / pickup?

    i play in 2 bands one is a hard rock band w/ a female singer and the other is straight up old style thrash and speed metal. i use 2 esp eclipse II standards w/ emg 81/60 pick ups. one is snow white the other is the tobacco burst. they are both 2010 editions. and i my pride and joy,,,,,, an early...
  10. J

    Addressing the Mark 2C+ vs. the Mark V Discussion

    hey guys whats up? i know all of the discussions and opinions on the mark v 2c+ setting not sounding like or as good as a acual mark 2c+. i happen to have been a very proud owner of 4 mark 2c + amps in my life. at one point i was running 2 of them in my rig. one was a simul class with reverb...