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  1. E

    DC-5 Retube

    I am not a big fan of JJ preamp tubes. They seem to be a love em or hate em kind of tube. But if you have all those tubes, I'd start with what you said as its a good setup, and just keep trying out different tubes in different positions. Switch one out at a time and you'll get a good feel of...
  2. E

    Mesa DC-5

    I've noticed more and more since I've been here, and I haven't been here long! I couldn't believe it when i came across my DC-5 Combo, its so amazing. I've never been this excited over an amp, and really can never see myself parting ways with it. And as everyone has said eeviac, the DC5 will...
  3. E

    tuning up a Studio 22

    Haha I remember feeling the same way when I first changed my tubes. I couldn't believe that it was making such a difference. It does get addicting after a while, you'll start buying different tubes just to try in different positions. Every time a new tube or set comes its like Christmas morning...
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    monster tone

    I've been using DiMarzio cables lately, and they sound great for a decent price. Also +1 on what camsna said about speaker cables. This is definitely where you want to spend a little extra.
  5. E

    Learn from my mistake!

    The reverb on my DC-5 is pretty crappy, so I'm experimenting with different tubes to try and see if I can get a decent reverb. Anyways, I put in the old Mesa STR 430's 6L6's while I'm waiting for the replacement Winged =C=. I wanted to see how different they sound, as I changed the entire...
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    Learn from my mistake!

    Your either a genius or dyslexic to catch that! As the saying goes "If you don't mess something up your not doing anything."
  7. E

    Learn from my mistake!

    Well after having one of the greatest days playing with my DC-5 combo today, I wanted to put in a new tube in the V5 (Reverb send and return). I didn't feel like pulling out the chassis so I just angled the amp so I could get to the tubes. As I am taking out the 2nd power tube, I pulled a little...
  8. E

    DC5 does seem to be a little dark

    I know this is getting off topic now! but i really feel like the need to share my DC-5 experience today! Have you had one of those days where everything just sounds freagin amazing? No matter what you play its dead on, and sounds soooooooooo (thats right 10 o's!!!) awesome. Today was one of...
  9. E

    Tube/Recording question.

    As darkmavis suggested it could be something like lights. The biggest one is usually computer monitors (new LCD's usually don't cause it though). In my little recording space I at first had a hum, which I found out was a fan I had blowing on me, so now its hot!! Then when I set up my computer it...
  10. E

    Mark IV Tone change after retube?? SUCCESS!!!!!!!

    Awesome man! I'm glad I could contribute something back to this awesome forum.
  11. E

    DC5 does seem to be a little dark

    Ohh wow, I usually have mine (Treble 7, Presence 4, and the 6.6k a little over flat), and its plenty for my metal needs! What I meant was that there isn't a very noticeable change from 4-5 in the treble, at least comparatively to my Carvin Legacy. Treble from 4 to 8 on the DC5 is like going...
  12. E

    Mark IV Tone change after retube?? SUCCESS!!!!!!!

    I myself use the new tone kit that Doug's Tubes recommends and its only slightly different (and think it sounds great). A Mullard reissue 12AX7 in the V2 instead of the JJ ECC83. I'd try switching out the Shuguang 12AX7 9th gen in the V4 with the old tube you had in it, as for Mark IV's V4-A is...
  13. E

    DC5 does seem to be a little dark

    To be honest, not really. I mean its noticeable if you move treble from like 4-8, but in between that its not very apparent. The treble and presence on this amp just does not seem to have a wide "sweep". I can't really say if thats better than before as I didn't have the Mesa tubes in long.
  14. E

    DC5 does seem to be a little dark

    I thought the same thing with my DC-5. It sounded nice, but really dark. I switched out all of the tubes from the Mesa's to a nice set that Dougstubes set me up with and it sounds absolutely amazing now. Also the cleans sound way better in my opinion. Here's his recommended setup. V1 - Tung-Sol...
  15. E

    what overdrive with DC-3?

    I just picked up a Maxon OD808 for my DC-5 and its very good at adding what I need to the amp while not changing the tone.
  16. E

    Custom Stiletto?

    BTW that Blue Flame Stiletto was actually Dave Weiner (solo guitarist and guitarist for Steve Vai). I believe he just sold it a little while ago. It's still on his website under gear.
  17. E

    How long before>>>>>>>>

    I usually let my amp warm up for about 5-10 mins before flipping standby off. If I only do it for a minute it doesn't sound as good (to my ears at least). I know 5 mins is a long time to wait!! But usually the first thing I do when I walk in the room if turn the power on. Then I take my time...
  18. E

    DC10/FedEx horror story

    When I bought my Carvin Legacy head, I saw the UPS man drop the box in the back of his truck as he went to grab the 2x12 cab. I didn't even accept it and told them they had to deal with it. I did get a whole new one sent from Carvin. Its heatbreaking when someone doesn't do their job right at...
  19. E

    Nomad Tube Rattle - Go for Winged C's???

    At the moment I have Mesa's 6L6's STR430's in my DC-5 Combo, and I have no tube rattle at all. I'm not playing this sucker at bedroom levels either, and Combos are usually more susceptible to this problem with having the speaker right next to them. That being said, and which I find funny is...
  20. E

    Making a Mark IV midi? Possible?

    The RG-16 would be perfect for you. Check out the video demonstration of it (Done by Dave Weiner - one of my favorite guitarists) He uses a Fender Bassman and a Mesa Stiletto, a Rack and various pedals in it.