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  1. S

    C+/Mk V shootout, pt. 1

    Awesome reviews guys! If I was in that room, it would take me a little time to stop crying tears of joy before I could plug into all that Boogie heritage! WOW!
  2. S

    Mark V just not popular with older people?

    39 years old and I LOVE my Mark V! I hope, God willing, that I'm still playing it at 49 and 59! Great tone knows no age limit my friend!
  3. S

    ''Rate your boogie''

    Well, I've owned three Boogies. They go as follows: 3-Channel Dual Rectifier - 7.0/10.00 Liked the amp, just too much of that fizzy Rectifier sound. Express 5:50 1x12 - 8.0/10.00 Really nice, versatile amp. Wish it had a touch more drive on the Burn Channel. Mark V Head - 9.5/10.00 - Perfect...
  4. S

    Extension cab recomendation

    I used an Avatar 2x12 with my Express and I loved it. Their service is also excellent. I decided to go with an Avatar with my Mark V as well, and I am very pleased with it. I guess in a perfect world if I had the $$$ just lying around, I would go with the matching Boogie cab. Having said that...
  5. S

    Mark V in Red!

    I love the red/black, but probably wouldn't buy it for myself.
  6. S

    petrucci and the mark v

    I'm seeing them next Tuesday at the Palace Theater in Albany, NY...can't wait!
  7. S

    So who is keeping their Mark V?

    I told my wife to bury mine with me when I go, that's how much I love it!
  8. S

    Attention New Boogie Users...

    Sweet...Going to go try it now!
  9. S

    Noob looking for advice

    Welcome to the forum LDog. I would say that if you have the money, buy the Mark V. Although the Tiny Terror is a very nice amp, a Mark V it is not. I am currently not playing in a band myself and find that I am able to play the Mark V at manageable levels even in the 90W mode. Surely it sounds...
  10. S

    Mark V Mark IV mode appreciation

    I love all the modes on Ch. 3, but I agree with you on the Mark IV. It's the mode I use and the MK. IV was the inspiration for me to buy this amp in the first place. I've never owned a real MK IV for myself, but I love the way it sounds on my V. The lead tones are just killer.
  11. S

    Red Barchetta has switched to the Mark V

    Congratulations on the new Mark V. I love the hell out of mine, it just rips!
  12. S

    Mark V vs. Express 5:50

    Oh yeah, you can get some killer metal toes out of the Mark 1 setting on Ch. 2 if you work on it. Mine sounds like getting run over by a train!
  13. S

    Mark V vs. Express 5:50

    I myself had a 5:50 Express with a 2x12 extension cab before buying my Mark V. I totally hear and understand what you are saying, I too loved the Express. If it weren't for the Mark V, I would still be playing it today. I have been wanting a Mk series amp forever, and the V just sounded to good...
  14. S

    5U4G Tube

    That's funny man! LOL!!!
  15. S

    I have left the fold =(.

    Must be some amps are different. My EQ works awesome, and as far as bass goes, I have to dial it out of my setup. The Mark 1 setting has enough gain and bass to rattle my entire block. Well, like I said before, each individual needs to make themselves happy. That's what matters inthe end, we all...
  16. S

    I have left the fold =(.

    Sorry to hear that, but in the end you have to make yourself happy. Best of luck on whatever you buy going forward. Steve
  17. S

    Very special Channel 3 Settings

    These very settings work great in Mk IV mode as well. Man, I love this amp!!!
  18. S

    New Dream Theater Album

    Hey all, I know this isn't much a Mark V topic, but I received my copy of "Black Clouds and Silver Linings" a day early and it is just an awesome album! Was really stoked to see it in the mailbox, threw it in the stereo and cranked it up! Haven't heard all of it yet, but at least three quarters...
  19. S

    Brand new 5:25 Owner, LOVE IT!! quick question!

    Ran an MXR M-108 through the effects loop on my 5:50 and it pushed it over the top for the metal tones you are seeking. To me it's one of the best EQ's on the market. I have it hooked to my Mark V, but I am bypassing it currently as the V is just a monster on it's own. Try it, it's like a...
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    Effects in the FX Loop

    Spot on Dave!!