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  1. H

    Boogie Mark V page on Facebook!

  2. H

    Andy Timmons

    Huh? If we are talking about his tone, I think its amazing. But it's not a Mark V. His Lonestar edge of breakup is unreal. I remember thinking that it must be difficult to manipulate the BB Preamp and the Lonestar gain to make it that perfect, but I reality (after watching his YouTube vids)...
  3. H

    Recto 2x12 vs the classic Boogie "Mini-Stack"

    So the 2x12 Horizontal Recto is the way to go with the Mark V? I have the head...
  4. H

    Roadster or Mark V

    lolwut? Thats right... :roll:
  5. H

    Best Speakers and Cab for Mark Series Amps?

    What say you?
  6. H

    New Mark V showed up of its kind!!!!

    Mark III sound in CH2? Def the only one I have seen like it! Very nice!
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    Roadster or Mark V

    I beg to differ! The Roadster has a BETTER clean channel than the V!
  8. H

    Mark IV Mode... No Balls?

    Would one of Mesa's 1x12's with C90's cut it or do I need 2x12's? What Mesa Cab is good with the C90's for our Mark V's? Link?
  9. H

    POLL: Effects Loop Success?

    There might be a slight drop in volume, but nothing I can't live with. My send it at noon.
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    Roadster or Mark V

    You are asking this question in the Mark V forum. Obviously most of the responses with lean twards the Mark V sence thats what we chose. I will tell you one thing. The Roadster is the ONLY amp I would use if I couldnt use a Mark V. The Roadster and the Mark V are the 2 best amps Mesa makes...
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    Mark IV Mode... No Balls?

    Maybe it is my speakers? I use V30's and I have been struggling with them sence day 1. I just dont know of a cab that is the answer. I know a 1x12 will not cut it. Mesa's 4x12 is just V30's again. I have considered going with a 2x12 with G100K's but no one has tried them with the Mark V so...
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    POLL: Effects Loop Success?

    I have had no problems yet, but the only thing in my loop at the moment is a Carbon Copy Delay.
  13. H

    FX loop distortion

    That's a good plan.
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    Pedals - opinions & suggestions

    I was just about to get a DD-20. Do you think the TC Nova Delay is better? Does it have a looper like the DD-20 (not that it has the same sort of live application like a real phrase sampler but you can use it to build solos when alone).
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    Mark V w/ Pedals - Having Trouble

    My Carbon Copy Delay sounds great in the loop. You may just need to invest in individual pedals.
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    Foo Fighgters on a Roadster?

    Well, they use a dual recto for gain so it should be doable... His cleans are on a Vox i beleive though so I'm not sure how exactly you would capture that tone with a Roadster (Roadster cleans are actually far better to my ear so maybe carve out your own clean sounds?).
  17. H

    Tweaked, Read and Tweaked Again... Please help...

    Very good point. When I do a sound check before the band starts playing it sounds questionable but then... yes! That's it! It's like Vintage 30's... they sound terrible when you play alone. Then, in a band setting they seem to be the best speaker you can buy.
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    Tweaked, Read and Tweaked Again... Please help...

    I dont know how or why you would be having trouble getting what you described. CH1: Hell, FAT mode, 90 watts with all the knobs at noon... start there CH2: Any mode, but EDGE is a good place to start with what you are looking for. Turn up the gain till you find what you want and as the...
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    Why No Mesa Mark Cabs?

    I mean they have a Roadking Cab, a Roadster Cab, a Recto Cab, a... But their Flagship the Mark V has no Cab. Whats up?
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    Come On Guys... I need a new CAB!!!

    And if I go Port City (probably the oversized 2x12) what speakers?