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  1. H

    Using Petrucci settings...

    More and more people keep coming forward about the volume problem on CH1. It's so bad that I need to use the SOLO when I'm on the clean CH and then once in a while I forget to switch it off before going back to CH3. Thank God it hasn't happened at a gig yet.
  2. H

    Anyone Use Mesa 3/4 1x12 with Mark V for METAL?

    How does this cab hold up for the high gain stuff?
  3. H

    Did I Buy The Right Amp ?

    Quick question for you... I am extremely interested to know how you came up with a better clean tone than your 65 Twin Reissue. Settings?
  4. H

    Did I Buy The Right Amp ?

    I would say EDGE in CH2 is what you are looking for. CRUNCH and MARK I have too much gain for what your talking about. Sure you can turn the gain down on CRUNCH, but I dont think thats the sound you are looking for.
  5. H

    Has ANYONE played the Roadster and the Roadking?

    I am trying to figure out the difference in voicing between these two great amps. I want that Roadking grind and I'm trying to figure out if the Roadster has that capability.
  6. H

    Roadster + Delay pedal. In effects loop or in front?

    There is no dilemma here. Sounds like **** in front of distortion. In the loop is the only way to go.
  7. H

    Mark V owners

    The combo speaker is not hard to break in. Just some high volume (90 watt), chugging clean chords (yes I said chugging clean) for 15 minutes or so will get you half way there. The speaker will naturally break in after that with normal playing.
  8. H

    Thinking of buying a Mark V - seeking opinions

    It's my favorite amp and I have had some pretty nice heads. Only 2 problems... 1. I cannot seem to get my clean channel volume loud enough. 2. You have to dial it in. Some amps sound good with all of the knobs at noon. Do that on CH3 and you dont even have a usable tone.
  9. H

    What's your favorite R2 mode?

    I voted for Mark I but I haven't spent any time with Edge so take that for what its worth...
  10. H

    Have u noticed that channel1 has less volume than ch2 or 3?

    I just posted a thread about this. It is my one gripe with the amp. I cannot have super clean, fat, warm cleans and pushed high gain sounds at the same time. I am actually using solo boost on the clean side at this point.
  11. H

    Let's talk about the Volume Difference between CH1 and CH2/3

    again... Am I the only one who has to use the Solo Boost when I use CH1 so I have any sort of volume???
  12. H

    Crunchlab PU's

    I have 2 EBMM Petrucci models and I also have the pickups in my Ibanez 7 string. I certainly recommend them for what you are describing.
  13. H

    Crunchlab PU's

    They are so **** high output (I think thats what you would call it) that if you dont have total control of the strings at high gain levels, they ring out. This is good and bad. Precise shreadding and clear chording is amazing, but you must have control. Perfect for Petrucci.
  14. H

    No Boogies on MF?

    And they are fixed prices anyway.
  15. H

    No Boogies on MF?

    Guitar Center does...
  16. H

    DT BCSL tones: sick!

    It's already been said, but he only used the Mark V for the last solo on Count of Tuscany. On that album he was using the Mark IIC+ and the Mark IV mainly with some Lonestar stuff in there. He has gone back and forth between Roadkings and Marks for years.
  17. H

    Do Mark V's have to be cranked to sound good?

    Lots of truth here. Switch over to the Preset EQ and dime that mofo. All of the saturation shows back up at whisper volumes.
  18. H

    Help me decide! The ol' MKV vs Roadster.

    I LOVE both amps on paper but when it comes to actually daily use I MUCH prefer the Mark V. I would love to have that Lonestar clean and the Recto crushing riffing but when the dust settles, the Mark V is the amp for me.
  19. H

    Do Mark V's have to be cranked to sound good?

    The answer is... yes and no. The amp sounds great at low volumes, but "opens up" when you get to about 10 on the master.
  20. H

    Blueish tubes

    I love that look. When I really have my V cranked, they will pulse blue. It's amazing looking.