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  1. H

    Taking the plunge WHICH AMP??

    Just giving you a hard time, man. I'm a Mark V owner with a craving for Lonestar cleans. I think my ulimate rig would have a Lonestar for cleans, a Roadster for rhythm, and a Mark V for leads.
  2. H

    Taking the plunge WHICH AMP??

    No you will not!
  3. H

    Taking the plunge WHICH AMP??

    Andy slaves his Lonestar into his Stiletto??? You cant go wrong with either. Both are great. I personally prefer the Lonestar. It is amazingly thick and dynamic. And it has a wonderful gain structure.
  4. H

    Am I The Only Guy That Prefers EL34s ?

    I still havent tried them. I guess I just like 6L6's and I dont want to loose the body of my clean channel.
  5. H

    First gig with Mark V

    I find the sweet spot to be at about half volume (channels set to half or so depending on mode and output around noon or just below). Even that is too loud for most situations. Over that and I loose a certain, I dont know, control or something.
  6. H

    How do you like the Mark V 10 Watt mode?

  7. H

    Mark V with extra EQ pedal for soloing.

    Yeah, it seems like that would do the trick... No?
  8. H

    How do you like the Mark V 10 Watt mode?

    And the amp sounds good?
  9. H

    How do you like the Mark V 10 Watt mode?

    I dont have much use for it. It's not like it makes it apartment volume. It's still defaningly loud. Maybe from a Class A, Tube Rectified standpoint some of you guys have a use for it.
  10. H

    Can using Variac Power damage your Mark V?

    The V is dummyproof. For instance, in 10 watt setting it is automatically wired in Triode. The V can be run in any setting/power/mode using Variac.
  11. H

    Setting up the IIC+ Mode to sound like an old IIC+

    Who owns a Mark V and has owned or played a IIC+??? How would you set up the V to sound like a real IIC+?
  12. H

    did some vids of the mark 5

    Sounds great man! I would like to hear more about the Mark V being as brutal as the Bogner Uber. I am still drooling all over that Bogner and I have a Mark V (I am happy with the Mark V). What do you find the IIC+ useful for? I have been using the Extreme mode because Mark IV has no balls...
  13. H

    did some vids of the mark 5

    This is incorrect. Please stop posting it.
  14. H

    Mark V Compared to Triaxis 2:90 Tell me what you think

    I cannot comment on the 2:90. I have never used one. I can tell you that the reason I'm so happy with my Mark V is the versatility. I can get great cleans, great blues, great rock, and great metal tones all in the same easy to use and feature rich head.
  15. H

    Balancing scooped EQ volume

    If you are using turing off the SOLO button for solos to balance the volume then why do you need the SOLO button for an additional solo purpose? In any event, you can try sliding your entire EQ up together.
  16. H

    Using Petrucci settings...

    To be honest, I'm sure that mine doesn't have a problem. There a quite a few people on this forum with the same complaint. It's just the amp. If I used TWEED on CH1 and I used less gain on CH3 and I didn't use EXTREME mode and I...
  17. H

    Using Petrucci settings...

    "You are killing me! I dont play my Mark V at home. Only in a full Metal band setting..." ^^^ My quote from earlier in this thread...
  18. H

    Using Petrucci settings...

    I read the manual cover to cover BEFORE I even got the amp. I have to turn the CH1 master the whole way up to compensate and the CH3 master almost off and then my tone suffers. Maybe there is something wrong with my amp.
  19. H

    Using Petrucci settings...

    You are killing me! I dont play my Mark V at home. Only in a full Metal band setting...