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  1. D

    Bogner - Does anyone else think this is wrong?

    Quote "I totally agree. This thread makes me miss my old Spider." This quote made me laugh my *** off, but mostly because I found myself agreeing!!!! I have a 75w spider combo iii (my daughter's actually) that I treat like my 'failsafe' ... if all else in my rig fails and I can't feel...
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    How much did you pay for your rig?

    I reckon I got about £5000 guitar and amps, then there's the PA system which I own, which is another £2500 (USD about $11000 for everything) My ex wife made me sell my only guitar, a Fender Sambora Strat to pay off debts many years ago. When we split I went credit card nuts and bought gear...
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    Bogner - Does anyone else think this is wrong?

    I've seen some Dumble fakes on ebay, I've even seen a Dumble chassis for sale from Thailand...
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    Bogner - Does anyone else think this is wrong?

    I just found out today that the new Bogner Alchemist is not in fact a Bogner, it is a Line 6 valve amp! Now dont get me wrong, I am no snob.. I can bust on Line 6 and sing their praises from every roof top. And before I bought the Dual Rectifier I was seriously contemplating the Line 6 Spider...
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    Santana 'Europa' Clean Tone

    Okay before I ask this... I cannot afford a Dumble Super Overdrive (or a Mark I for that matter) so I have to make do with what I have ! :? (I could always sell my house, my car, my girlfriend and my daughter to make a down payment on a Dumble !!!! £30,000...fer a frikkin amp?) As a solo...
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    Okay.. Now I'm really Confused!

    Good Comment about the Weapon Pedal... dont use the pedal at all for distortion really, the band play '10000 fists' by Disturbed an the Weapon has a very good Sitar effect which I love, but if we decide to never play that song again, I may consider getting rid. Also on the POD driving the main...
  7. D

    Okay.. Now I'm really Confused!

    Okay, so I finally settled on a pedalboard, to compliment my new Ibanez Turbo Tubescreamer and Morley Bad Horsie. I got a really good deal trading in my POD XT and FBV Express flooboard for the floor mounted POD XT Live, which has tons more pedals, so I can have more control with selecting...
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    Ryan Peake / Chad Kroeger Nickleback Tones

    I guess I can see where people are coming from, I listen Nickleback and they are hit and miss... There last album (Dark Horse) is so uninspiring and unentertaining that I haven't listened to it since buying it. And a couple of the other albums are not much better... Except for 'All the right...
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    Indie Guitars , the brand not the music ;)

    They are okay, I tried the PRS copy in my l0cal music shop in UK (I think indie are UK based) and was considering trading a Tokai Love Rock in for one. No Chance! LOL! But I am biased, if I was going to lean towards a company that make copies of classic guitars, I will always lean towards...
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    Ryan Peake / Chad Kroeger Nickleback Tones

    Okay before the verbal abuse starts :P , I understand completely that Nickleack are not everyones cuppa tea and their attitude to the more 'commercial' side of rock music can be like nails down a blackboard to some rock fans out there, but I am a fan and love their tone on the 'All the Right...
  11. D

    What's up with Slumdog Millionaire stealing all the oscars?

    I guess it was because it was a crap year all round for movies... Hardly seen anything decent this year. Benjimin Button was mind sappingly boring. Haven't seen Slumdog yet, so can't comment on how good it is. I am not paying to see it at the cinema, probably wait for it to come to...
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    Newbie using Midi and effects in loop... Advice please!

    I have been running my Line 6 PODXT throught the back of my dual rec for a while now and I have had no problems with the thing running in the FX loop, but the thing is limited with the options ou can use from the floor. (I also want to start building a nice rack based system) So someone...
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    Built a Roadking rig for a buddy... Pix

    Oh, Er....... Wow!!!!!!!!!! I need someone in UK like you who can come and build me something like that, I am guessing it wasn't cheap, right? Awesome
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    The ugliest triple....

    80's Glam Metal is still alive and well.... somewhere. It looks like something CC Deville from Poison would have used... Metro Rectual? ROFLMAO!
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    Somebody please post a glowing rectifier tube!

    hi Dude I bought a brand new Dual Rec in December and I returned mine to the store because I thought the Rectifier tubes weren't glowing (plus my sound was awful (so I put two and two together and thought it was blown tubes - I was wrong)) The small peice of metal in the top of the rec valve is...
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    I got a PRS myself... And I think it is the coolest guitar in the world.... BUT.. My Girlfriend plays a Les Paul Standard Sunburst, just like Slash, and sometimes, just for a short while... I am as jealous as hell ! One thing the Les Paul always seems to have that many guitars are often...