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  1. M

    Axe-Fx minus pre-amp.

    much thanks.
  2. M

    Axe-Fx minus pre-amp.

    WOW, thanks for the speediy reply. So basically the way you're talking about, the preamp of the MARK V doesn't color the tone coming out of the cab?
  3. M

    Axe-Fx minus pre-amp.

    So I have an axe-fx and I have a Mark V. I'm wanting to use the tubes from my Mark V to push the Axe-Fx through a cab whilst bypassing the preamp of the Mark V. Is this possible? Basically 'm wanting to see what the axe-fx sounds like pushed through a cab before I buy a stero 50.
  4. M

    Mark I volume

    In your "yes" do you mean that it is normal?
  5. M

    Overdriving channel 2

    @Bucketbot Man, don't get me wrong the axe-fx is very cool. However, I think Ownhammer has far better cab IR's and the Le Poulin stuff, imho, is equal to the axe-fx heads. If it's not equal than it's at least VERY VERY close. So with Le Poulin Legion and like the Ownhammer Mesa you can get...
  6. M

    Mark I volume

    Has anyone else noticed that on Channel 2, MARK I mode, you have to crank the volume to match the other channels? Is that normal?
  7. M


    hey guys; i've been doing some recording with my MARK V and I would like to try to go direct into my interface from the Mark V and use my redwirez cab emulators. What is the best way to do this?
  8. M

    Overdriving channel 2

    Wow, I don't know what that means. Do you have any links on that? I have a g-major 2 and an axe-fx system so I'm basically trying to decide if I'm going to get rid of the V or the axe-fx. If can I can get channel two overdriven by just switching with the mesa pedal or my FCB1010 then I'll...
  9. M

    Overdriving channel 2

    what does 4cm mean?
  10. M

    Overdriving channel 2

    But then the OD would come after the amp right?
  11. M

    Overdriving channel 2

    I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to get an overdrive on channel 2 without having to put a stompbox out front? Basically I want channel two overdriven but want to be able to just use the boogie channel switcher. I really detest having to hit pedals when I'm switching and I've been...
  12. M

    FX Loop

    Hey gang. I'm wanting to run an FX Loop and I have no idea how. I've never done anything like this. I'm wanting to run different effects channels. How do I go about putting, say, a Chorus on channel one, and a Tube Screamer on channel three? Sorry for noob questions, Thanks,
  13. M

    Mark V with Axe-FX

    Has anyone used the Axe-FX WITH a Mark V live? If so, what channel do you run the Mark V on and how do you compensate as far as the "tone" settings?
  14. M

    Mark V with an RGA8

    Hey guys. I just bought a Mark V half stack and I'm thinking about getting an RGA8, but I was wondering if playing notes that low will tear up my cab?