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  1. Artiefufkin10

    Clean tones on Roadster

    i'm not at home now, but I think its pretty easy to dial in some awesome clean tones on this amp..easier than the lead tones. If you want something shimmering and sparkly, why not try the tweed mode on CH1 with low to medium gain? If you want something more subtle the normal or fat modes work...
  2. Artiefufkin10

    noob question on Mark IV bias

    You're right...its me, I f--ked it up. Could you do me a favor? Kick this @$$ for a man...I'm not asking I'm telling. (at least someone gets the reference of my avatar). Anyways, thanks Boogie, I asked a basic question in a rather non-conventional manner. I should have assumed that since...
  3. Artiefufkin10

    noob question on Mark IV bias

    Wow! Thanks for answering my question and trying to make me look like an idiot here! I know what rectification is and that you need DC to set up a bias on tubes. I should have asked, since there are no rectifier tubes on a Mark IV, what is the means of rectification? By the way, I didn't see...
  4. Artiefufkin10

    noob question on Mark IV bias

    Rectifier user here. The way I understand it (and I could be wrong), the design basis of the rectifiers is that they utilize rectifiers (tube or diode) to set up the bias in the power tube section of the amp. What type of signal is used to bias the Mark IV? As far as I know, there is no...
  5. Artiefufkin10

    Weight: Roadster combos

    The pronet pricing sticky at the top of this board has all that information, physical specs and what not. As a Roadster combo owner, I would say that the thing is ridiculously heavy. I'm about 6'2", 175lb and I can lift it on my own if I'm just walking straight. However, stairs or maneuvering...
  6. Artiefufkin10

    TwoString's Roadster...NAKED (HUGE PICS!!)

    Great Post! Gotta appreciate the engineering there!
  7. Artiefufkin10

    First experience with El34's in a 2ch DR

    Nice post. I'm a roadster owner. In the manual MESA claims that using EL-34's would tend to thin the amp out some. What preamp tube configuration are you using?
  8. Artiefufkin10

    Anybody Try a DiMarzio Mo Joe (hotter FRED)?

    I'm replacing some pots in my guitar and I figured, while I'm back there with the soldering pen, I'd like to try a hotter bridge pick up. Currently, I'm got the FRED installed. I really dig Satriani's sound on his last album and tour. Some of this may be due to the JSX amp, but his guitar...
  9. Artiefufkin10

    mesa bought by guitar center?

    I think the big box retail music stores definitely have their place, but your definitely not going to get the most personal buying experience when they're swamped on a Saturday afternoon. That said, a lot of small Mom-and-Pop shops (including some that sell Mesa) I've been to are just really...
  10. Artiefufkin10

    Has the Mark serie been abandonned?

    Honestly, this was the main reason I got the roadster. -Rectifier Tracking Select -Switchable power output (50/100) -Effects/Loop On/off -Reverb oh yeah...all these features are adjustable on EACH channel! If its form factor, go with the Roadster or Stiletto..if its the sound you want go with...
  11. Artiefufkin10

    New Roadster: Positive Jamming Experience

    Its amusing how people cite Ch3/vintage as the roadster's "sound" for lead tones. I picked up on this right away and agree 100%.
  12. Artiefufkin10

    New Roadster: Positive Jamming Experience

    also @ noodles. What did you mean by "V1"? Is that the first pre-amp stage tube? And you find drastically better tone just by replacing that one preamp tube? interesting.
  13. Artiefufkin10

    New Roadster: Positive Jamming Experience

    @noodles never doubted that the roadster couldn't produce a good lead was CH3/vintage mode that sold me on the amp on top of the tweed and Brit voicings of CH1/2. CH4 I just haven't really had the chance to dive into...yet. So far it seems similar to 3 but I know the presence...
  14. Artiefufkin10

    New Roadster: Positive Jamming Experience

    Thanks again. The whole tube amp thing is very new and exciting to me. I'm now at the point where I can afford one and actually take advantage of its uses. That said, I bought the Roadster sort of impulsively because I was getting a good deal, plus I liked the way it sounded. Also, Boogie's...
  15. Artiefufkin10

    New Roadster: Positive Jamming Experience

    Thanks for the responses. I've read in a lot of other posts that people generally prefer a Mark IV or Stiletto lead sound to a Recto lead sound. I think the potential is there on the Roadster, i just need to work with it a little more. Being my first tube amp, I might just need to familiarize...
  16. Artiefufkin10

    New Roadster: Positive Jamming Experience

    Relatively new member to the board here. I recently picked up a used Roadster 2X12 that was purchased in January '07. The guy I bought it from was a die-hard Mark IV guy and didn't feel that he needed it. He ended up selling the Roadster to me for about 25% off of the new price, so I felt...
  17. Artiefufkin10

    Recording with the Roadster Combo

    Somewhat of a let down because you've got this massive arrays of tones at your fingertips, yet you're bogged down by the noisy fans. To the latter poster, I suppose that turning the amp up to a decent volume would drown out the fan, at least during constant playing. From there you could use...
  18. Artiefufkin10

    How come i can't get my Roadster to sound as rich as my MKIV

    FWIW. On my roadster I love Channel 3, Vintage setting. So far I haven't seen much point in Channel 4, but love the expressiveness I get just by varying the gain on channel 3. Good stuff.
  19. Artiefufkin10

    Recording with the Roadster Combo

    Recently picked up a Roadster and had a few questions on the best way of recording with that thing. This is my first, all tube amp so I'm getting used to the characteristics of tube amps (HEAVY, fans, standby switches, etc). -The cooling fan is loud, how can I eliminate this sound from my...
  20. Artiefufkin10

    Question on String Gauges and Set-Ups

    Typically I'm a bedroom guitarist but lately I've been jamming with people more and I feel like thicker strings makes my tone "beefier". I want to just go from a 9 gauge to a 10 gauge on the following guitars: Ibanez JS1000 - floating trem Epiphone Les Paul - fixed bridge. Is a new set up...