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The Boogie Board

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  1. C

    Quietest Boogie?

    Look for a DC-2 or Dc-3. They both have headphone jacks. Boogie tone (well mostly) and late night practicing.
  2. C

    Need Advice On A Few Pedals I'm Deciding Between

    Well that's the great thing; YOU don't have to buy anything you don't want to. And I don't have to justify to anyone what I spend my money on or why. Aside from that, it doesn't matter if any else can tell a difference or not. I can. And my opinion and my happiness with my rig, at the end of...
  3. C

    Need Advice On A Few Pedals I'm Deciding Between

    No, haven't got any of those yet. I ended up getting a Fulltone Clyde Deluxe WAH most recently. I had been wanting that wah for awhile and when I had the cash they were out of stock (well the Fulltone) and then when in stock, no extra cash. I had cash set aside for the compressor and phaser but...
  4. C

    I need the forums' input/advice... Delay Delimas...

    Well for the Edge or Gilmour type delays (well 1 of his delay types) you will need a digital delay for the longer length. Analog delays can only go about 600 MS, and the average one is about 400Ms, so that leaves you with digital. I myself went with the Boss DD-20. Its not perfect but I like it...
  5. C

    Need Advice On A Few Pedals I'm Deciding Between

    So I'm almost done with reworking my pedal board and am down to the last few pedals I want/need to get. Essentially I've narrowed it down to 2 or 3 for each category but can't seem to pull the trigger on which one. Obviously all have their benefits but as these are all a pretty penny I want to...
  6. C

    Need Advice On Which Fulltone Boost To get

    Just 9v right now. I have an 18v adapter I can use so I will probably try that soon. I wanted to try it at its "normal" state for awhile, see what tones I can pull out of it, before juicing it up more. I believe you can do the same thing with the BB, so I might try that as well after I conform...
  7. C

    Need Advice On Which Fulltone Boost To get

    So I went with the OCD. It's great. Really nothing I can say about it that hasn't already been said. It works well with all of my tube amps, so there you go. I though at first it might be a little to dark for me (just slightly). But after some tweaking of the pedal and my amp it sounds...
  8. C

    Need Advice On Which Fulltone Boost To get

    Awesome. Thanks for the in-depth reply. Truly above and beyond and appreciated. You pretty much confirmed what I have read and been able to surmise from other forums/reviews/friends etc. I went ahead and ordered the OCD. I do think it will be the best pedal for my rig and will round out my OD...
  9. C

    Need Advice On Which Fulltone Boost To get

    Just as the title says: I've decided to get a Fulltone boost for my TOV but I don't know which one to go for. I am somewhat buying this blind (which I'm OK with) as I don't have means to play one before hand, though many friends have recommended one of these 3 to me as well as reputation/online...
  10. C

    Pro Guitar Shop Sale Xotic, MI etc

    Yup, yup. I bought a BB Preamp last night when I got the e-mail. With all the good people say it does for Mesa'a, I'm excited to try it out with the TOV (and my Blues Custom 30).
  11. C

    Trem-O-Verb Issues/Possible Concerns-NOT SOLVED!!!!!

    So after a complete re-tubing (which was a pain in the *** as half the pre-amp tubes were either dead on the spot or severely microphonic. Thanks Guitarget (Guitar Center)! I should have known better but I needed the tubes quick like...I really was hoping thwe hum was due to bad tubes (they had...
  12. C

    Can A Missing Ring In a Tip/Ring Speaker Cable Cause Noise?

    Hmm, well I fell like a douche now :oops: . Its weird that I always thought TRS meant...anyways, thanks for the clarification. :lol: To answer your questions, yes.... Everything is in fact stock and and the same as what came out from Mesa. I just happened to notice that the insulator ("black...
  13. C

    Can A Missing Ring In a Tip/Ring Speaker Cable Cause Noise?

    Quick question; on your typical Tip/Ring cable (speaker cable in this instance) does the Black plastic ring act as a ground? In my quest to troubleshoot the mp hum in my TOV, I noticed that the ring on the speaker cable is gone. I am wondering if this would contribute to the hum/ground/noise...
  14. C

    Trem-O-Verb Issues/Possible Concerns-NOT SOLVED!!!!!

    So the effin' hum is back. :evil: :? :x I really hope a new set of tubes fixes this. I would really hate to have an amp tech have to service it after only owning it for a week. :( :x Again, any advice or experience with this would be so very helpful....
  15. C

    Trem-O-Verb Issues/Possible Concerns-NOT SOLVED!!!!!

    Solved!!! So As I stated I bought this new. I feel like a real as right now, but am somewhat happy. I checked everything over, so I thought. After banging my head against the wall and expecting the worse I noticed one small detail; The Speakers were plugged into the 16 OHM port and not the 8...
  16. C

    Trem-O-Verb Issues/Possible Concerns-NOT SOLVED!!!!!

    OK one more update.... The possible "ground" issue is only occurring in the Orange channel. The strange thing is if I switch over to Red once or twice, then switch back to the Orange channel, I can no longer get it to do it for a few minutes. Its fine for awhile. I am starting to think it is...
  17. C

    Trem-O-Verb Issues/Possible Concerns-NOT SOLVED!!!!!

    New discovery: If I touch the Standby switch first there is the sound but then I do not get it on the Gain knob at all. If I touch the gain knob first, both become heard through the amp when touched. Maybe a ground issue? The ground switch does nothing wither, by the way...
  18. C

    Trem-O-Verb Issues/Possible Concerns-NOT SOLVED!!!!!

    So I just recently bought a Trem-O-verb and all in all its great. It seems to be in fantastic shape and performs well with one exception that I am not sure if its actually something to be worried about or not. When I bring the TOV from standby (which is obviously dead silent) there is a "hum"...
  19. C


    Though the prices have gone up on them making a little less of the fabulous deal they initially were; the Epiphone Blues Custom 30 is a fantastic amp, not just for the money but in general. They go for about $650 now but I got mine for $450 before Epiphone did their price hike on all their gear...
  20. C

    Movning From Vintage To Modern

    So I just got my hands on a Tremoverb. I traded my DC-2 + $400 for a newish, late model Tremoverb. I'm stoked. As much as I loved the DC-2, the Tremoverb is definitely a step-up. I lucked out; the kid who I bought it from needed a smaller wattage amp, I needed a higher wattage more versatile...