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  1. M

    Anyone tried swapping out the stock speaker in a LSC?

    oh ya...I got jj's too...big improvement...(6l6's)
  2. M

    Anyone tried swapping out the stock speaker in a LSC?

    Ya...I'm not sure I want to make a change unless I hear a big difference in tone..the stock speaker sounds fine...but the gear "tweaker" in me won't go away...****!! know this amp.(LSC) isn't a "Metal", amp..but ..I think a crunchier tone can happen....if the speaker swap would do...
  3. M

    Anyone tried swapping out the stock speaker in a LSC?

    Thanks for the reply guys...I'm gonna do some research on the speakers y'all mentioned and go from there.....Cheers!!
  4. M

    Probs with my LSC effects loop...

    I had the exact same thing happen...I just swtched to hard bypass, and liked the tone a lot better anyway....I did change out all the tubes as well, but I don't think it was a tube issue anyway..I found that I don't miss the solo feature anyway....I really noticed a huge improvement in tone on...
  5. M

    LSC: Do you use the Solo feature?

    Nope...the effects loop sucks your tone dry...I go hard bypass, and just use my Homebrew Power Screamer for solo/boost...(sweet pedal by the way!!!)...oh ya...I had a problem when using the solo sound would just cut out intermittently...I never bothered taking it in for repair..just...
  6. M

    Anyone tried swapping out the stock speaker in a LSC?

    Just wondering if anyone has tried a speaker other than the C-90, in the LSC 1x12?...I've been having a hard time getting that top end sparkle/crunch, in the gain channel....I've read good things about Eminence Red thing is that the amp sounds too "boomy", in the low end...from some...