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  1. N

    Anybody here have a Rocket????

    Monsta-Tone, go to music-go-round's website. A Subway Rocket and F-30 can be found by doing a Mesa search.
  2. N

    Anybody here have a Rocket????

    Used Rockets go for as much as $749? WOW! I know Mesa amps keep their value, but WOW!!
  3. N

    LoneStar Owners...How Much Does Your Hum?

    LSSMan, Maybe yours hums; but mine can sing. My Lonestar Classic is very guiet. On par with the F-50; which is also a fairly quiet amp. Tubes maybe? N-50+3
  4. N

    Love my new Lonestar - hate the Mesa tubes!

    Profklamen, just a quick thanks (thank you) for the GC sale info labor day weekend. I picked up the amp this past weekend. And it's a dynamite amp. N50+3
  5. N

    Love my new Lonestar - hate the Mesa tubes!

    Attention old-guy and Profklamen you both have PM's Nifty50+3
  6. N

    Anyone here order those Eurotubes...

    Another thumbs up for Bob over at Eurotubes. A knowledgeable tube seller! N-50+3
  7. N

    Rectoverb combo - If change reverb tank out, any difference?

    Tele_jas, now I've heard using a 12AT7 sometimes makes the reverb sound better (this is straight from a tube seller) and my Mesa 50 Caliber+ came stock with a 12AT7 as the reverb driver. There's a JJ ECC81 (12AT7 equivalent) in there now; since the amp is about 12 years old...
  8. N

    Just Bought A LoneStar Classic

    old-guy, yup, you got it; that's my age. I know how you feel about not wanting to stop playing. I have an F-50 head (run through a 3/4 back 2x12 Mesa cab) and when I re-tubed it; playing through it was a difficult thing to stop. "Freak'N Love It", that's what I want to...
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    Just Bought A LoneStar Classic

    Hi guys, just caught this thread since I'm in the market for a Lonestar (with 6L6's). Now, isn't it just call the Lonestar? Both amps are under the heading Classic Designs in the July 2005 price list. They're listed as the Lonestar Classic and the Lonestar. No big deal. How are...
  10. N

    F-50 tube questions

    P L, above info right on the money. I find that the hardest tube to get back in is the first, closest to the input jack in back of the transformer. It's a challenge to get that aluminum shield back on. I found (using my daughters make-up mirror/ no comments, please) that it's...