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The Boogie Board

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  1. B

    Mark IV plus another amp which send to use?

    Wow, that's too many options! I don't want to hit the FX of the second amp, just straight into it's input. For instance, to run two Bassman together, you just plug your guitar into input one and then plug in a cord from input 2 of amp one over to input 1 of the second amp and 'voila'! you're...
  2. B

    Mark IV plus another amp which send to use?

    Hey, if I want to run another amp along with my Mark IV would I use the D.I. or the Satellite send or just use an A/B box of some kind? Just wondering.........anybody know?
  3. B

    Speaker question (Mark IV Head)

    No, obviously I'm hip to the ohmage stuff. 4 8 ohm speakers wired for 8 ohms. No problem there. I'm just going to buy and trade around to get 4 of them so they might not all be the same. Right now I've got 2 16 ohm 10's in there wired for 8 ohms and I want to replace them with 4x10's (long...
  4. B

    Speaker question (Mark IV Head)

    Sorry, meant to say "what WATTAGE" not "what ohmage"............
  5. B

    Speaker question (Mark IV Head)

    Got a speaker question for you all... (actually a couple questions)....... I'm going to respeaker my 4x10 cabinet. 8 ohm speakers.........question is, what ohmage speaks should I get for a Mark IV. I don't want to blow them up but on the other hand, I don't mind if they break up a little...
  6. B


    Silverface Fender Twin Reverb w' JBL's in it (REAL heavy)....... Gibson "RD", blonde (had a built in compressor in it, weird).
  7. B

    Make a Mark IV sound full and robust at low volumes?

    Dude, I'm really perplexed how your bandmates Fender could have given you any problems at all, 2x12's or not ,unless your power tubes are like really fried or something. I don't get it. That thing has got 85 watts you realize? It should blow anything else off the stage if you want it...
  8. B

    Make a Mark IV sound full and robust at low volumes?

    I also like to keep my big output knob up high...about 8-10 with the channel masters lower. Sounds best with the masters in the 2 to 5 or 6 range depending. (Triode/ClassA/Tweed). And I agree with the "tone twiddler" comment from a previous poster i.e. use your guitars volume knob to bring down...
  9. B

    Mark IV wattage questions.......

    Awsome info......... Do you know what Tweed/Simul/Triode would be then? 50 maybe?
  10. B

    Mark IV wattage questions.......

    Hi guys, This might be just the right place to possibly get some questions answered I've had for some time. Namely, does anyone on here know exactly (or approximately) how much wattage the various switches add (triode/pentode, simul-class A, Tweed/Full)? etc. etc. I usually start out with and...
  11. B

    When to replace cap's ?

    This is new and unhappy news to read. I didn't know I might need to change out the capacitors on my Boogie, bummer. It sounds fine now. How much should I expect to pay a tech to do this? I'm not going to go "under the hood" myself and chance screwing things all up on an expensive Boogie. I...
  12. B

    Gigging MK4 owners, question/poll for you!

    Jamme...........just for fun humor me and try something a little weird........on Rythm1 in particular, try setting the big global master at 10 and the little master at 1 or 2 or whatever your volume needs are.......try it and see how it sounds to you. That's how I do it when I'm doing a blues...
  13. B

    Gigging MK4 owners, question/poll for you!

    I'm terribly confused why some keep saying they have problems with their volume on gigs? The volume versatility is the very reason I have kept my Boogie instead of jumping over to a Bassman or Super Reverb. It's called a "MASTER VOLUME" well as the wattage and voicing switches. I'm...
  14. B

    Reverb does not work on my Mark IV

    Hey, I'm no expert but I had an idea you might try...... I'm assuming you bought it used? If so, you might try plugging in a footswitch into the reverb switch slot and see if it's just switched off maybe? It might work, just a thought I had. Barring that, call Mesa. They are tops with customer...
  15. B

    Mark IV- Post Your Settings

    Sorry, couldn't resist...... just a wee joke. :lol:
  16. B

    Mark IV- Post Your Settings

    You seem to be confused my young friend. Do you want a "good tone" or do you want "metal"? Ever heard the term "oxymoron"? :lol:
  17. B

    Ever Had a Strange Gig?

    I had a real odd gig experience once awhile back. My band got hired by a personal friend for her husbands big birthday bash aboard a cruise boat. We were to get on the boat, start playing and we were to pick up the client (my friend) and her husband downriver (it was a suprise see.....). Well...
  18. B

    Bright cap mod to MKIV 2nd channel

    Interesting........did you find you didn't have enough highs even with the R2Treble and Prescence controls dimed then or what? Or is it a completely different sound? I'd be curious to hear more about it as well as your settings both before and after the modification.
  19. B

    MARK IV my Rhthm1 settings for blues tone

    No problem. Thanks again for the info. :D