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  1. M

    F50 ***** reverb

    Maybe I dont expect much from my reverb, but I like my F-50's. But what do I know?
  2. M

    F-50 feedback on channel two

    Why has my post # stayed the same. I'm stuck at 42. :? Never mind they all change together I see.
  3. M

    F-50 feedback on channel two

    Not really. Though mine will do it with a cab also. I lowered my pups a little, which helped mildly. I also bought a 5751 pre amp tube but have'nt tried it yet. I dont use alot of gain so I'm dealing with it.
  4. M

    F-50 loop Q's

    I tried the loop on my F-50 last night for the first time in the year that I've owned it. I ran chorus to delay and back. We jam pretty loud and I had to have the loop volume pegged for the effects to be equal volume. Is that normal? This might be hard for me to word correctly but hears...
  5. M

    F-50 feedback followup

    So after messin' with pre amp tubes and then talking to a Mesa factory guy with my amp plugged in so he could hear it, he decided my amp is normal and it must be my powerful humbuckers :shock: . I dont know but after consulting you folks it seems that I'm the only one that cant get the gain...
  6. M

    How high can you set the gain on your F-50?

    Something is very odd with mine. I also had a jam last night. Took a different guitar too. A cheapy solid body Ibanez with Gibson p-94 pickups, which are humbucker sized single coils. They're pretty ballsy also and I had the gain at 9 o'clock, treble 8-9 o'clock, mids around 12 0'clock and bass...
  7. M

    How high can you set the gain on your F-50?

    six20aus, are you serious? I dont have my amp set nearly that high when competing with a pro reverb, a drummer, and a bass player. I think you might have some hearing loss if that isnt massive volume. :D Unless my amp is f'd up and louder than it should be. John Vasco, I cant even get where you...
  8. M

    How high can you set the gain on your F-50?

    The volume is in the 11 o'clock range. Ive gotten around 10 ft or so awway from the amp with no great affect. My humbucker pup'd guitar has carvin "classic" pups. Another guitar has gibson p-94's. Both are pretty equal volume wise. I'd consider it "musical" feedback, just not very...
  9. M

    How high can you set the gain on your F-50?

    I posted a question regarding feedback and didnt get any bites so I'll ask it a different way. I can hardly get the gain much above 9-10 o'clock before it will feedback. This of course is on the dirty channel and without contour. I've tried different tubes just to see and it did'nt help. I've...
  10. M

    Metallic Rattle F-50

    My F-50 has this metallic rattle sound that I hear when playing at higher volumes. If I bang the cab I can hear it also. I felt around for loose parts and hit the cab while holding different things and as of yet I have'nt figured ir out. I know it's hard to even take a guess. I'm just wondering...
  11. M

    F-50 feedback on channel two

    Its a solid body guitar. I did try going straight into the amp with no effects and it still did it. I didnt turn the reverb off though. I did switch v1 and v2 with v3 and v4 last night too. No go. I have some newer pre's so I guess I could give that a shot.
  12. M

    F-50 feedback on channel two

    My f-50 will feedback very easily. It'll do it with the gain anywhere from 10 o'clock or higher, no contour. All I have to do is let go of the strings and it'll do it. I plugged a buddies guitar in last night and it still did it. Could this be a tube issue? How about playing environment, like...
  13. M

    DR Strings?!?!

    Really? I put a set of those on and couldnt wait to get them off. Very noisy. I like GHS boomers and they were all I used but started using DR pure blues and I like them alot. I started using them mainly because I was being anal. I'd heard they're easier on frets because they are pure nickel.
  14. M

    Are V30's really that good as people say

    Whoa, hey, I was was just asking. :D I was just asking 'cause maybe someday I'll get/build an ext cab. I would probably look for another Black shadow but I was just wondering how similiar the v30 was to it.
  15. M

    Are V30's really that good as people say

    I was wondering how they compare to the 90w black shadow speaker thats in my f 50. I love that speaker.
  16. M

    I finally found it!!

    Have you guys ever checked out a Tech 21 Killer Whail? I'm no wah guru but it sounded the best to me and it would also be good for bashing heads if need be.
  17. M

    Carvin V3...I want it

    I own a Carvin Dc127t. Love it. After years of owning it and reading about there amps I bought a used Stagemaster 212 amp. It had a pretty nice clean with lots of headroom. The dirty channel I never really got to like. I think if I was able to really crank it to ear bleed levels it would have...
  18. M

    If you could only have one guitar...

    My Carvin Dc127T :twisted:
  19. M

    What made you decide to buy a mesa boogie?

    Me playing it. :D It helped that my old amp was giving me trouble and I wanted something reliable. Oh and it sounded great too.
  20. M

    Just bought a Swamp Thang

    No VW's for me. I need to stay away from evilbay. I dont normally tinker with this kinda stuff. Uh oh, I'm starting to rationalize again. Somebody stop me!