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The Boogie Board

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  1. Sirius

    different dc-5

    There is a thread here somewhere about the different DC-5 versions, couldn't find it though. If my mind serves me right the one with metal-toggles was the laters version of the amp before it was discontinued.
  2. Sirius

    Nomad 45 combo specs and thoughts

    Thanks for the input guys. Turns out I wont do a switch for the Nomad, I guessed it would be as heavy + the guy who had it lived too far away from me. Thanks anyway!
  3. Sirius

    Nomad 45 combo specs and thoughts

    Hey, I was wondering if any kind owner of a nomad 45 combo could give me the size and weight of the amp. I've searched the net for it but couldn't find these specs. Also, feel free to give your opinion on this amp. I'm thinking about trading my DC-5 combo for it. Mainly because I think the dc5...
  4. Sirius

    MIV EQ very important?

    How do you guys prefer to set the EQ when using it as a solo boost?
  5. Sirius


    Follow reprove's link dcgdc5 :)
  6. Sirius

    dating my dc5

    I mailed the Mesa support about my DC-5 and they said (knowing the serial: DC02137X) that "Unfortunately we do not have a database for our serial #'s, but it looks like your amp was most likely built in December of 1993." Accurate enough for me :) Mail 'em!
  7. Sirius

    studio 22+ question

    Can't say I know much about it, but here's a bunch of reviews
  8. Sirius

    Help!! DC-3 or DC-5?

    I bought the DC-5. Didn't have the opportunity to play the dc 3. The amp is from 95 or so and is mint contition (can you get the exact production year from the serial number?). So far I'm really impressed with all the different sounds it seems to be able to deliver! The only downside is that it...
  9. Sirius

    Help!! DC-3 or DC-5?

    Hi! I'm about to get a new amp and can choose between a DC-3 - and a DC-5 combo. The DC-5 is 200$ more, but includes a hardcase. Opinions on which to choose? I have little experience with Boogies, but compared one to a peavey classic 30 once, and from that moment i think a used boogie kicks a...