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  1. A

    RK II - channel 1, reverb issues

    Recently i discovered another issues.. a high pitch feedback occured, even if i'm a good distance away from the amp and not facing towards it. surely turning down the gain helps, but it most definitely hasn't done that before, since i haven't changed my settings/guitars/locations or anything...
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    RK II - channel 1, reverb issues

    Tomorrow came a little bit late, but here's somekind of an clip: I spent some twisting knobs and tried everything that i could think of, nothing helped.
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    RK II - channel 1, reverb issues

    I'm aware of the reverb fading thing, and this definitely is not it. I can hear the fade out and fade in while switching channels. When the amp fades in to channel 1, the volume rises up much higher than it should, and then settles down to the appropriate level. I should have mentioned that the...
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    RK II - channel 1, reverb issues

    So, as i switch from any other channel to ch.1 with reverb on, almost immediately after switching the volume rises up alot and then settles down to normal. It rises and lowers very smoothly, and there's alco a noticeable "splash" like reverb sound as the volume is up. This happens everytime...
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    Bought a RoadKing, few issues...

    Hi, I use it for shows and for playing at home loud. There's no sense to turn the amp down to bedroom level, it needs to breath out loud to show it's true essence. Of course you could use some power attenuator like THD hotplate to eat the load, so you can turn the amp up while the volume stays...
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    Standard Recto 4X12 with Greenback & Vintage 30 ?

    I'd say yes.. even though it is a small box, it's designed the same style as the other rectifiers -series cabinets, massive low end. And what comes to the combination of V30 and greenbacks.. the greenbacks are way less sensitive than the vintage 30, and for that i've heard that the greenbacks...
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    Bought a RoadKing, few issues...

    Speaking of which, i used to have a engl head, and been playing with diezel quite a few times lately :D Picked up the other head today, no rattling and everythings perfect! i'm loving it!
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    Bought a RoadKing, few issues...

    with this i meant the other head at the shop.. so tomorrow i should be smiling with a non-rattling amp :D btw. i noticed while playing today that most of the reverb was gone.. so definitely some major issue at the reverb tank.. a broken spring perhaps? I'll ask the guy to inform me when that...
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    Bought a RoadKing, few issues...

    Yea but they rattle like hell (a light knock on the top grill makes it very audible, and while playing, the rattle clearly jumps out of the ambient sound) well.. called the dealer, they've got another head there so i'm going to change mine to it. Good thing that it worked out so easily, only...
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    Bought a RoadKing, few issues...

    Ok, took the backgrill off and the resonating sound seems to be coming off the echo-tank, could there be a spring loose or something? does anyone have a picture/schematic inside the tank before i rip it off?
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    Bought a RoadKing, few issues...

    Yea I'm gonna take the back cover off and try the tubes today. It is road king II so it's tube revervb. Well... guess i'll have to phone the store about that delay problem, it obviously shouldn't be there. Or could it be the footswitch causing it. at my pedal the first four buttons which...
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    Bought a RoadKing, few issues...

    Hi! Today i went for a drive and came back with a roadking head and 4x12 rectifier cab. Took it home, and noticed a couple of things. First, the channel switching via footcontroller.. is it supposet to have a delay while switching channels? I didn't try it out at the store (stupid me, although i...