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  1. M

    Dual Rectifier Retube

    But what do those do JJ or Tung Sol pre-amp tubes do to the clean sound ? In my case (Tremoverb) I would like to keep or improve the clean sound as well as the gain tones. The Tung-Sol are good for that too ?
  2. M

    My Tremoverb died last night (help diagnosing please)

    The tubes are the originals. :oops: I have not played the amp regularly until the past couple of years. I will do a retube for sure but I need to get the amp going now before the tubes come in so I will borrow a few. What about the fixed bias issue ? If I take the sovteks out of my Fender...
  3. M

    My Tremoverb died last night (help diagnosing please)

    I was playing at LOUD jam with my Tremoverb Combo and all of a sudden the signal started getting staticky and cutting out. Sounded like blown speakers but I am pretty sure its not because it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't (gets statick and the signal cuts in and out , especially on loud...
  4. M

    Effect-problem with the Dual Rectifier

    I have a Tremoverb Combo and tried using my POD XT Live in the effects loop just for effects (amp sims turned off). I could just not get any good tone out of it. The POD sucked the life out of the tone no matter what level matching I tried. Borrowed a friends stomp boxes (Boss Delay + Chorus)...
  5. M

    Can I use a generic footswitch for Tremoverb loop ?

    I have the channel switching footswitch that came wtih my Tremoverb Combo when I bought it new but I would like to use a footswitch now for the effects loop to bring it in and out. My question is : Do I have to fork over the $50 or so for the "special" footswitch for the effects loop that Mesa...