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  1. DS-1

    Triple Rectifier loop mod: picture of a "bad sounding" work

    Test done with my usual pedalboard and guitar (Jaguar with SuperDistortion on bridge position): obviously there's plenty of distortion added to the normal sound, also using parallel loop, even if I set the send pot to a very low level. Then I tried to connect every single pedal of my...
  2. DS-1

    Triple Rectifier loop mod: picture of a "bad sounding" work

    I added a switch between the pots and the PCB, so I can switch from serial to parallel loop. I've notice that there's no difference in sound with 2 effects in the loop (analog delay and Boss chorus). The strange thing is that, even with the parallel mode, the FX LOOP on the pedalboard still...
  3. DS-1

    Triple Rectifier loop mod: picture of a "bad sounding" work

    It seems to be the kind of problem I have with my Recto, but with the difference that I can hear a little different sound, with the loop on, even with not so high pre-volume values (I have now my channels volume on 10-11 o'clock, which is honestly not that loud for a Triple Rectifier!) Tomorrow...
  4. DS-1

    Triple Rectifier loop mod: picture of a "bad sounding" work

    I swapped V3 and V4 and...the amp sound fine, with a patchcord in send\return or even with 2 pedals (an analog Ibanez delay and a Boss chorus). So I swapped again V3 and V4 and...the amp sound the same: fine, without lossy signal and\or distortions! I don't know if I'm going crazy or what... I...
  5. DS-1

    Triple Rectifier loop mod: picture of a "bad sounding" work

    Thanks a lot for the analysis. I'll try swapping V3 and V4 and see what happen. Svetlana or EH 12AX7 should be fine in V3 and V4 position? What do you think about JJ 12AX7 / ECC83S? About the "alternative" series mod: are you talking about the mod with jumpers, removing the transistors, found...
  6. DS-1

    Triple Rectifier loop mod: picture of a "bad sounding" work

    I have tone problems even with only a patchcord from send to return. I've found a topic in this forum in which the serial mod consists in two (or three, now I don't remember) jumpers, removing the three transistors, too. Should I do that mod, or the one on my Triple is still a correct serial...
  7. DS-1

    Triple Rectifier loop mod: picture of a "bad sounding" work

    Hi guys! In 2007 I've bought a used Triple Rectifier. The dealer told me it has the "loop modified". I supposed it had the common parallel-to-serial mod. I starting using it and I loved its sound, but I really can't believe its loop makes the amp sound so bad. I mean: when I use the loop, the...
  8. DS-1

    Triple Recto: get a volume boost without using SOLO

    What brand do you think could works?
  9. DS-1

    Triple Recto: get a volume boost without using SOLO

    Are you using the loop on the head? I had the "gain" problem when I had the loop on. Now that I switched it off, the clean channel isn't cranked anymore, and It sounds really clean.
  10. DS-1

    Triple Recto: get a volume boost without using SOLO

    Hi guys! I have a 2006 Triple Recto. I use it thru a Mesa 2x12 and I have a large pedalboard that is connected to input (for od, fuzz, wah) and send\return, too (modulation effects). The loop is MODDED. I had several problems to get my sound in these ages, and I've always thinked that probably...
  11. DS-1

    Best settings with loop on (Triple Recto)

    Hi guys, my question is: how would you set you Recto using the loop? I still haven't found if it's better to have the channels volume UP and the master DOWN or viceversa. Thanks in advance for the reply.
  12. DS-1

    Is it weird that..

    Ok! Let me know how the Tungsol and the Penta will work, if better or the same as now!
  13. DS-1

    Is it weird that..

    And what are the preamp tubes did you used? Can you identify on this page: ? I'm doing all these questions because I have the same problem you had, so sorry if I'm boring you, but it's very important for me!
  14. DS-1

    Is it weird that..

    What brand of KT77 have you tried? Do you run with the switch on EL34 setting?
  15. DS-1

    Is it weird that..

    Can this cabinet fit a Triple Rectifier? Is it big enough?
  16. DS-1

    Is it weird that..

    Are you talking about this cabinet?
  17. DS-1

    Is it weird that..

    I first tried with the classic Marshall 1960a, and the Triple was REALLY dark, so I changed the speakers, trying to emulate the Mesa Recto 4x12: I installed 4 Vintage 30 at 8 ohm, and I feel that the sound was changed, but not that much. So I've tried with an italian brand cab, with 2 speakers...
  18. DS-1

    Is it weird that..

    I've got the same problem in my band! The other guitarist plays with a Brunetti (italian brand) EL-34 based, while I have a Triple Recto. The difference in the sound is almost the same showed in this Youtube link: my Mesa sound darker and then it will disappear in the mix. I was thinking to buy...
  19. DS-1

    EL-34 in Triple Rectifier: what brand?

    Prego, Steve! :)