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  1. MusicManJP6

    Finally Ordered My Mark V

    Well that will definitely make for an awesome Monday today then! Have fun going through the modes tonight!
  2. MusicManJP6

    First time playing with a full band at volume - too bright!

    Had another jam session today and NO COMPLAINTS WHATSOEVER about my Tone. It was truly perfect in every way! Cab makes such a huge difference and I definitely made the right choice to ditch the 3/4 back 1x12. Great cab, but my tone tastes have changed over the years and my ears like closed...
  3. MusicManJP6

    Dialing out that nasal sound in my amp

    The 750 slider is CRUCUIAL and very sensitive.
  4. MusicManJP6

    Finally Ordered My Mark V

    Congrats, Paul! It will be WELL worth the wait.
  5. MusicManJP6

    microphonic tube only on channel3...

    Yep! Check the tube task chart in the manual.
  6. MusicManJP6

    Guitar World Reviews the Mark V

    Me too!
  7. MusicManJP6

    Favorite 2x12 for Mark V?

    Finally pulled the trigger on one of these cabs after selling some things and it killer!
  8. MusicManJP6

    First time playing with a full band at volume - too bright!

    Hey Geiri, thanks for the tip. I actually prefer V30s with the V. This cab sounds much warmer/darker than my 3/4 back ever did so I'm very happy! I've not cranked it yet, but I'm sure it will sound just as good as my friend's which I did crank extensively. Broken in speakers seem to be a big...
  9. MusicManJP6

    FS: Mesa/Boogie Black Shadow EVM-12L

    These speakers sell SUPER fast dude. I sold one on here in like 15 minutes.
  10. MusicManJP6


    Sold, pending payment!
  11. MusicManJP6


    Added pics...
  12. MusicManJP6

    First time playing with a full band at volume - too bright!

    Hey guys, just an update: Ended up going back over to my friends' house and plugging up as I did a few nights before. It was not as bright as I recalled, but the harsh/super punchy attack was still there at volume. After A/Bing my cab with his 2x12 recto vertical cab it was obvious the cab was...
  13. MusicManJP6


    Oh, I know, but it seems like a waste of space since half the buttons don't work! Haha.
  14. MusicManJP6


    Price drop to $300 shipped. Great cab!!
  15. MusicManJP6


    I've been playing in hard bypass since reading this thread and I have to say the tone is amazing! It feels and sounds more dynamic and the tone is very alive as someone else put it. Is there a footswitch that will work that is only channel switching buttons? No need for the other buttons on...
  16. MusicManJP6


    It would be cool to be able to bypass reverb along with everything else when switching to hard bypass with the switch - or maybe add an additional switch just for reverb. I can tell a tone difference when reverb is turned on for sure. I've not messed with hard bypass switch much. I'm too...
  17. MusicManJP6


    Just wanting something different and a little bigger for a change. Been using a 3/4 back for nearly 5 years! If I could afford to keep both I would, but that is not the case...
  18. MusicManJP6


    Recto 2x12 vert cab!
  19. MusicManJP6


    ^correct, it is larger than a thiele.
  20. MusicManJP6


    Yes, it is for sale again - this time with a Warehouse Guitar Speakers Veteran 30 installed which is a V30 clone without the upper mid spike. The cab is in excellent condition and comes with the newer style slipcover with the pocket on the side. This is a great all-around rocking and versatile...