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  1. D

    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    I'll be watching for your response on the new tubes. If they are what you think, we might run Doug out of them quickly! 8) (To the point that I already had a tube order made out for Doug's, and didn't check out. Waiting to hear what you find out before I order).
  2. D

    A Lemon?

    You don't. Something is wrong. Maybe just tubes, but this thing has plenty of gain in all three modes of C3. Try tubes first, turn your loop on and off and see if that changes anything. Flip the power modes... just see if any of those things make a difference. If not, I wouldn't even...
  3. D

    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    Yeah, a head, to play with your 2x12 vertical recto cab!
  4. D

    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    While I do intend to make one swap back to 12AX7 then swap back to AT7 just to get a true A/B test in one night... I'm in and I'm staying! The only thing that I could think of that would make me change my mind on the AT7 in V2 of the V25, is if the 5751 is even better. Otherwise, I'm getting...
  5. D


    Great to hear! That's what really matters anyway.
  6. D

    Is The Mark V 90w Right For Me?

    Extreme mode just removes negative feedback. Makes it more open, dynamic, louder, punchier, etc.
  7. D

    Quick question on the Thiele cab sold now.

    I would guess that many would say the old EV was better, but probably not everyone agrees. The old EV is very heavy, very expensive, etc. You can always buy a Thiele cab, try it, buy an EV or copy, try that, and decide. When you ask about speakers, 90% of it is half mental, I mean personal...
  8. D

    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    I finally got home last night and got another solid 45 minutes with the V25. At this point, I'm confident that both the Crunch channel, and all voices on C2 have been improved. Significantly. The simplest explanation is, the crunch is just sweeter. Warmer, less cold... I really think this...
  9. D


    I don't think so. The express is it's own thing. I could be wrong, don't own one, but I don't think any of it's voices are copies of something else.
  10. D

    Getting back to the TC-50

    Interesting that they are that close.
  11. D


    I am still curious though. Authorized Boogie posted that you could swap tubes on the V25 by removing the front panel. 4 Screws, and Boogie panel removed, shows another board and 4 more screws. Removed all 4 and can't BUDGE that board. Pried as hard as I could without damaging something...
  12. D


    I did the S&M version of the tube swap (although I'm not normally into that). I read here before that you could swap preamp tubes on the V25 by removing the front panel. I'd swear I read of from Authorized Boogie! But I encountered solid wood that wouldn't move even with those screws...
  13. D

    TC50 Tube discussion

    Not rambling at all. Giving a good comparison! I almost bought a Stilleto a couple times and couldn't find a head version of the Ace. Seems there are way more combos out there, or I'd have had one. Then a nice heck came up right after the Mark V25 was introduced and I had the cash then but...
  14. D

    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    My preliminary findings were that with the V25, the Crunch channel gain was affected, but with the gain up just a little it matched the previous level of gain, so no loss there, and the tone was even better than before! I've always LOVED the crunch channel on the V25, in fact, way more than I...
  15. D

    TC50 vs Mark V 35

    Don't even think about ditching the V35 without doing the tube swap Bandit suggested above. Seriously. Just do it. Really. Then report back.
  16. D

    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    In more V25 news: I did the swap with an old Mullard AT7 that sounded great in every amp I tried previously. Put it in V2 and was VERY concerned about the Crunch channel effects, as I love that channel. This is an awesome sounding tube that I've been saving for the right thing... My...
  17. D

    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    There is no reason the amp wouldn't "like" the change. AT7 or 5751 can handle the juice. It's a bad tube.
  18. D

    90W Mark V becomes the BEST Mark with preamp tube tweak?

    I'd like to hear the V with only V4 changed. 8) And not like total Metallica scoop. LOL I know, I know. But you asked! LOL As opposed to one big video, maybe do 1- stock V vs. 2) V4 swap V, vs 3) V4+V6 swap V. Then the second vid, your favorite of Video 1 vs. IIC+ vs IIC++ Dividing...
  19. D

    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    Sounds great! Nice adding the FNM riffage at 6:00 or so. Love that song!
  20. D

    Another New Guy With A Mark V.

    Well well well! I'm no tube amp expert, but I believe they perform better if you take them out of the plastic bag and plug them into a speaker cab. :lol: Congrats on the amp! And yes, I've been wanting to try this for a few weeks but as you are well aware, I got really really...