Getting back to the TC-50

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Well-known member
Boogie Supporter
Oct 8, 2012
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I've been focused on my Mark V/AT7 for the last few weeks. Last night I decided to do some work with my TC-50 - it's such a great amp. Really loving how fully it sits in the mix. The lead tone for solos is probably one of the best I've ever heard.
So since you've made a change that has significantly changed your thoughts on the Mark V, we obviously we need a "revised" V vs. TC comparison
After I have gotten used to the TC-50 I am finding I love CH3 running the EL34s and it sounds very similar to the tone I got from the Mark V 12AT7 V4 mod but only better. I thought the tone sounded familiar so I compared the V CH3 mk iv mode and the TC CH3. Very close but I think the TC-50 had a nicer tone. I had to double check on the V if it was in triode or pentode mode, it was in pentode mode. Note I have 6L6 tubes in the V.
I would not say identical but very similar if the V has the 12AT7 V4 mod. (I am actually considering dropping the V off at the local adoption center [Sam Ash or Guitar Center] and move on as I am done trying to make it sound better). The more I play through the TC-50 the more I like it. It has displaced my interest in the Mark V. It has not disturbed my interest in the JP-2C as that amp gives me what I want without having to chase a dream or idea that may not pan out. Actually I was skeptical on getting the TC-50 shortly after I got the JP-2C. I am glad I did it though.

The TC is tight and responsive. This is one amp I love palm muting as it does not get the flub. There is not one facet or feature I dislike on the TC-50. Sure I may have been unsure of this amp from the start but dang it is one awesome amp that has taken me by surprise just as much as the JP-2C.
bandit2013 said:
Sure I may have been unsure of this amp from the start but dang it is one awesome amp that has taken me by surprise just as much as the JP-2C.

I agree. I recently got both amps and there is no "which is better". They are equally killer at doing their thing.
I've been shooting for the old Brad Gillis/ Ozzy tones on the JP-2C. The Graphic EQ mids are actually boosted rather than scooped as most people use it.

The TC-50 was able to get that great Jimi Little Wing live tone I always shoot for. Awesome amps

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