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  1. T

    DR preamp tube switch

    My DR runs on Sovtek 12ax 7 WA tubes, all of them. They are rather old and i'm thinking of changing them. What is advised to get a warm, well distorted sound? I've been looking around, but i can't seem to make up my mind.
  2. T

    asked a million times before but..

    thanks for all your help, gonna try! any suggestions in settings for playing metal?(both amp as pedal) i have tried a lot of things, but never found the right sound.. although i feel that my boogie is so capable. i sometimes feel that the other guitar player cuts more through, he plays an ENGL...
  3. T

    asked a million times before but..

    thanks, and what ampsettings do you use? channel red?orange? modern or vintage mode?
  4. T

    asked a million times before but..

    what settings do you use on your tubescreamer (mine is a maxon OD-9) when used in front of your dual rectifier? i also happen to have a lot of feedback when using my gibson SG reissue '61 i'm replacing the pick-up hoping this will solve the problem. thomas
  5. T

    dual rec 3channel issues

    so if i'm right, i'll be helped by using a noise suppressor?
  6. T

    dual rec 3channel issues

    well, i'm pretty close to the amp, but far enough ,as far as i know, to not have feedback.. my problem is actualy that i didn't have these issues a couple of months ago.. it didn't kick in suddenly, but it came little by little..or my hearing has become better :)
  7. T

    dual rec 3channel issues

    it's an 'older' one, i don't think humidity is the cause, because it's in a good isolated room when using, when otherwise, it's in its case! for the other channel: i didn't try them (now only use the red channel in this band) i'll take him to my amp doctor and ask him for the tubes (because i'm...
  8. T

    dual rec 3channel issues

    yesterday on practice i noticed following: someone els was playing my SG reissue for some metal-tunes. as i'm always looking for the sound i like most i was tweaking my eq, presence and gain. this is what happened:(everything on the red channel) - when tweaking bass: almost nothing happend...