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The Boogie Board

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  1. B

    The Official DC Club

    Yeah i think that's alright! :D I guess really it should be the Caliber Cartel but that sounds a bit cheesy to me! :lol: Please welcome meursault, member #0005!
  2. B

    The Official DC Club

    Yeah i can appreciate what you're saying but this is just for a bit of fun :) I'm sure that members of the cartel will use the forums for talking about their respective amps rather than this thread, which is merely for registering :)
  3. B

    The Official DC Club

    Thanks ned! I've taken your advice. All logos will be 300 x 72 now - thanks to lockbody for the sizing. Member list updated! Welcome to tetsubin, member #0004!
  4. B

    The Official DC Club

    Hey man, try [ img]link[/ img] (without the spaces). That should work :)
  5. B

    The Official DC Club

    Welcome to lockbody, member #0003!
  6. B

    The Official DC Club

    Welcome to Setzer, member #0002 and jerseydrew, honorary member #0001!
  7. B

    The Official DC Club

    You can be an honorary member? :P
  8. B

    The Official DC Club

    Hi guys. I thought it would be cool to have a club here for all the DC and Caliber series owners of the forum to show our appreciation for these awesome amps - the DC Cartel! If you'd like a logo and a membership number then please feel free to PM me and I'll make one up for you just like the...
  9. B

    DC-5 Volume Mod Video

    Hey Paul. Don't believe the word on the street! The DC-5 can be a very bright amp the way it is. It all depends on what you put into it and how loud you play it. At bedroom levels, it generally is harder to get a bright sound, but once you get the volume to midway it'll open out a lot more :)
  10. B

    DC-5 Footswitch/GEQ issue

    I have exactly the same problem :( I thought buying a stereo footswitch would solve it but i haven't got round to that but from what you've just said it looks like we're both in the same boat :(
  11. B

    DC-5 Volume Mod Video

    Hi guys i uploaded a short video just to show those with the older version DC-5 where the resistor that they need to snip is. For details of the mod go here - Basically it makes it easier to use the DC-5 at bedroom levels (between 1 and...
  12. B

    DC-5 Appreciation

    I'd like to jump aboard this thread and say that i love my DC-5 too! It's my second ever tube amp after owning a Roadster and is the one that i know i will keep forever. It's hard to explain but i feel a huge attachment to it. The Roadster was a bit sterile, not much character. But my little...
  13. B

    DC5 Rhythm Channel Problem

    Could be the tubes, either power or preamp. I'd buy a new set of tubes and try them out. Preamp tubes - replace one tube at a time. Power tubes - stick two new ones in. I'm sure someone with a bit more knowledge will step in though :)
  14. B

    Problem with DC-5 :(

    Well i replaced the old Boogie power tubes with new JJs and replaced the fuse with a 1.25A slow blow. The amp sounds great [:D] There seems to be much more life in it with the new tubes. We played two gigs on Friday night and at the second gig i was loud enough for the rhythm channel to be just...
  15. B

    Problem with DC-5 :(

    Oh cool thanks tetsubin :) I saw that it says 1.25A above the fuse cap but the actual fuse is a 4A one. I don't know who fitted it, but i'm pretty annoyed. Nevermind, i'll make sure it's done right this time.
  16. B

    Problem with DC-5 :(

    Wow. I feel really annoyed with the guy i bought the amp from now, but i should have checked it was the right fuse when i got it. There's a moral there :shock: I've just ordered 10 1.25A fuses to keep just incase. Got them really cheap too :) I also ordered one Mesa 12AX7 (incase it's a...
  17. B

    DC5 tube advice.

    I remember reading something by Randall Smith where he has a crack at the old tube debate. He said something along the lines of "if you want to experiment with different kinds of tubes in different positions then please feel free. Our amps are built to work with many different combinations...
  18. B

    Problem with DC-5 :(

    Hey guys thanks for the replies. I noticed when i was looking at the amps innards that one of the power tubes had come unseated. I don't know whether that happened before i took the chassis out or not though. Odd, the fuse in the amp (which i haven't touched before) was a 4A 250V slo-blo...
  19. B

    burn mark on my DC-5

    Get yourself some new tolex dude and make yourself a project! White tolex on a DC-5? Now THAT would be cool!
  20. B

    Problem with DC-5 :(

    Hi guys, went to practice last night and turned on my DC-5. The power light flashed and then went out straight away. I tried a few more times and im not getting anything! I unplugged it and swapped out the fuse on the plug for a new one and still nothing. I'm thinking it might be the slow blow...