Lesson learned- don’t worry be happy

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Well-known member
Boogie Supporter
Aug 10, 2024
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First if you’re reading this - Happy Thanksgiving! I was talking to Mike from Mesa- I sent pictures of my MKIV - I told him my amp makes noises until it warms up - crackle pop thump for the first minute or two - then all good? New filter caps - new tubes - sockets cleaned. Fuchs amps - added a bias pot and looked at my amp two times — same noises crazy. I was about to send it to Mike but —/

Hi jerry,
I will suggest that you do not bother to send it to us. If it works fine after it warms, just trust it. Looks to me liken they got rather messy with the glue... Malkes it a pain to work on too.
I have had some that do this on warm up, and not just MK4, but gotten no where chasing it. We could spend hours and not find what is causing it.

Just enjoy that it works.

Thanks, mb
I think Mike knows best- I’ll just shut up and play
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I was reading one of Gerald Weber's tube amp books Q&A section and there are other problems that can cause this, and they are no fun to detect and correct.
He was talking things like internal shorts in the transformers and tube sockets, sometimes caused by running the amp into no load.
I have all his books and have enjoyed them - I have worked on my fender bassman and Marshall plexi no problems- even built a bunch of mojotone kits - no problems but if this amp goes down I’ll send it to Mesa - hope they keep servicing the mkIv -
I should add how many times I tried to fix my amp and got it to the point where I had to pay a real tech to fix it - learning the hard way - sucks being me when it comes to electronics
I understand ya brother. I'm A DIY er. I have sent my amp tho MB couple of times. but now I like to dig in and learn. I get advice from those much , much more knowledgeable than i. I've learned some things, sometimes the hard way. 👍
I understand ya brother. I'm A DIY er. I have sent my amp tho MB couple of times. but now I like to dig in and learn. I get advice from those much , much more knowledgeable than i. I've learned some things, sometimes the hard way. 👍
Yes without the help of the guys on these forums I would be even worse off - It has been a lot of fun too but when it goes wrong it turns into a black hole-

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