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    • mark1406
      mark1406 replied to the thread Mark 1 controls question..
      I modded it. So I know it’s a mark 1 circuit. The amp was a mess before I got it. It had various mods in it which didn’t seem to work...
    • mark1406
      Hi I have an SOB with a Mark 1 P.I. stage fitted, and the pull bright switches. What I’m noticing is the Volume 1 and Volume 2 aren’t...
    • mark1406
      hope you recover fully and soon... then you'll be able to leap over those impending GAS barriers!
    • mark1406
      EV’s are heavy speakers, four of them in a 4X12 cab would be very heavy. Good if you have roadies, bad if you don’t own a forklift. I...
    • mark1406
      mark1406 replied to the thread Vintage 30 Help.
      $400 for a recone is theft, it’s between $100 and $200. Regards Mark
    • mark1406
      mark1406 replied to the thread Vintage 30 Help.
      $400 a speaker is outrageous. He obviously doesn’t want the work, but if you insist he will rob you blind. Scumback speakers recone...
    • mark1406
      mark1406 reacted to ShaneLax7's post in the thread Vintage 30 Help with Like Like.
      A shop pretty close to me down in NYC told me ~400 bucks per speaker... Safe to say I’m looking into what the other guys said about...
    • mark1406
      mark1406 replied to the thread Vintage 30 Help.
      I would look at the cost of reconing the speakers, though I would ask questions about how they do it and do they have a kit to recone...
    • mark1406
      mark1406 reacted to ShaneLax7's post in the thread Vintage 30 Help with Like Like.
      Hey Guys, I came across a Rectifier 4x12 cab the other day that my buddy was getting rid of. I spoke with Mesa and they told me it was...
    • mark1406
      mark1406 reacted to JustPassingThrough's post in the thread Vintage 30 Help with Like Like.
      You'll spend more on new speakers than you can get out the cab. If it were me I'd flip them as is for whatever I could get and use...
    • mark1406
      mark1406 reacted to rarebitusa's post in the thread Vintage 30 Help with Like Like.
      Well just one opinion... if you already have a 4x12 w/ v30s maybe consider mixing in a different pair with the 2 good v30s... could be...
    • mark1406
      mark1406 replied to the thread Modified Pawn shop SOB.
      How technical are you and can you used a soldering iron effectively? It was a dumb idea to remove the PCB. You could buy a piece of...
    • mark1406
      mark1406 replied to the thread Modified Pawn shop SOB.
      Thanks, I wondered about the pcb for reverb. Regards Mark
    • mark1406
      mark1406 reacted to Don's post in the thread Modified Pawn shop SOB with Like Like.
      In this case, they not only removed the reverb function, they also removed the reverb tube, reverb tube socket, reverb transformer, and...
    • mark1406
      mark1406 replied to the thread Modified Pawn shop SOB.
      I think it’s probably no longer an SOB or a Mark 1 style amp. If you’re happy with the sound of it, that’s great, but if you’re after...
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