Yea or Niegh? (buckethead content w/video)

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2005
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What do you think, I was never a fan, but bucket boy can play.
check out the one where he is wearing the yellow rain slicker
Has anyone ever seen his face or is he like Clarabelle on Howdy Doody?
I have seen his face russ, he looks like a goofy looking vai.

I cant believe hes getting that tone from a Gibson into a rect.
That white LP is obviously highly modified. He could probably attain that sound very easily without being limited to stock wiring or electronics. That little button thing is interesting. I wonder what exactly it is and how it works.

I watched a couple other videos on youtube that showed him giving lessons just to get more insight to his playing and clinically what he is all about. It was interesting.

I always thought that it was Vai or maybe Wolfe. I even had joked that it was that guy with the instructional videos named Kurt Mitchell. Bucket shares some style with Paul Gilbert. I had thought that it was him too. Why does he heave to wear that stupid mask and bucket? You can't tell if the is making faces at you or not. Imagine if the guy didn't even like what he was playing and was making stupid faces behind the stupid mask. You can't see his feelings while he is playing. It is kind of hard to get that kind of relationship with him and his music. I guess Slash was like that in the beginning too only it was just his hair getting in the way of seeing his expression and that top hat on his head. At least it was a real hat though. I think Bucket is either making fun of someone or is ripping off DEVO in some twisted way.
I know when I saw a lesson on a CD in Guitar One, I was blown away but very weirded out by him. But when I videos of him just playing, I think its good stuff.
I do like his playing. Great taste and timing... but **** it must get hot in that get-up...
if you have comcast on demand, watch the video of buckethead in the guitar world section. it is him playing through a small practice amp in his backyard. it was incredible.
This song is really bad, can't believe this is a song off an album, can't stand this tone either, it's annoying and piercing. specially with his fast vibrato and wahwahwahwahwahwahwahwha on everything!!!
I've seen this guy play on a number of occasions and seen the gear he uses. He used all of the following gear

1) Ampeg Reverb Rocket
2) Line 6 Flextone
3) Peavey XXL and JSX heads/Marshall Cabs
4) JCM 800 head/cab
5) Some sort of rectifier *probably dual the name plate was messed up

The sounds he was getting from any of these rigs was amazing. I have never seen him play a gibson les paul, only epiphones.

Amazingly, the JSX and Line 6 were the best tones I heard from him. When he had the rectifier, he was messing around with it all night, and got it sounding good by the end of the night.

And yes, I've seen his face, and talked to him. He's surprisingly normal, but with a wickedly bent sense of humor.

That was interesting, thanks. No Peavey stickers for you...
Russ said:
That little button thing is interesting. I wonder what exactly it is and how it works.

It's a killswitch. Kind of like turning the ryhthm pickup volume down on a Les Paul and flicking the switch up and down only it's much easier.

Check this video out
The link guitarzan left refrenced Paul gilbert and Satch, thought that was intersting. He may wear the bucket due to bad guitar face or maybe just plain old stage fright.

Jury is still out....listening to more clips. Not really into gimicky "artists."

Still the best show I ever saw was Rollins Band. Henry walked out with the band, the house lights still on and said, "Thanks for coming out!" Looked back at the band and hoped into the set. Hard.
Anyone a fan of Les Claypool? Well he has a side project with Buckethead, Brain, and Bornie Worrell called C2B3. Check it out:

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