Xotic Preamp RC/AC/BB tryout

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Heritage Softail

Well-known member
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
Atlanta Ga
All the hype, great sound clips, and personal testimonials got me out to try these three.

RC is exactly as stated, really clean. Provides a clean boost, minimal color, effective tone controls.

AC is almost clean. It puts a bit more grit with the gain and a bit of tone shaping. It did not color the tone of a Rectifier or H&K used amp they had in the store. As others stated, harmonics jumped up and bit me in the a@@ when playing this thing with the gain 2/3 up.

BB is more of a beast. Lots more gain with a personality that colors the tone a bit. Nothing bad or extreme but some may not like that. Great unit.

I wanted the tone of my amps to stay pretty much unmolested by the boost but also wanted a bit of a kick so the AC unit ended up coming home with me. Really cool pedal, can give clean or crunchy harmonic boost. Bass and Treble that really work are a nice bonus. The Xotic pedals overall work well and do exactly what they say. Seems to be a solid brand that I wish my local stores carried.
awesome review Ive been looking at od to give me a nice dirty clean tone and Ive beenthing heavy about the bb looks like its the way to go.
Cool review. I just bought the Xotic BB-MB
Really liking this pedal! I don't think it's
going anywhere. My next pedal will most
likely be the Xotic EP.
+1 on the AC. RC a little light, BB a little heavy, AC just right.
I love the BB Preamp. I haven't ever played an AC Booster or RC Booster, but I've heard they're great. I just got a limited edition BB in orange sparkle with white lettering and knobs. It looks nicer than my old orange bb with the black knobs, but its the same pedal. I'm actually looking at getting another BB, that way I can run one as a clean boost and the other for mild overdrive on my clean channel of my IIC+.
mystidream said:
I love the BB Preamp. I haven't ever played an AC Booster or RC Booster, but I've heard they're great. I just got a limited edition BB in orange sparkle with white lettering and knobs. It looks nicer than my old orange bb with the black knobs, but its the same pedal. I'm actually looking at getting another BB, that way I can run one as a clean boost and the other for mild overdrive on my clean channel of my IIC+.

They did not have the new special finish ones then. Can you get a straight 'no color' to the tone boost out of the BB? I actually like it for a distortion box. One of these days I will run across a IIC+ and play one. The guitar center in downtown Atlanta has the fancy high dollar Vintage Equipment room..... Maybe some day....
Just got the Xotic EP booster. Another outstanding pedal! It really does make everyting sound bigger and fuller. I love it. I leave it on all the time and use the BB-MB over my clean for some slight dirty tones. Great combo.
I bought a Xotic BB Preamp (from some one here if I remember correclty) and I love it. It adds little or no color of its own unless I tell it to. I put it in the fx loop in line with the BBE Boosta and I realy like what I'm getting. It's not over the top like I expectetd before I got it, and that's perfect for what I'm doing.
soundchaser59 said:
I bought a Xotic BB Preamp (from some one here if I remember correclty) and I love it. It adds little or no color of its own unless I tell it to. I put it in the fx loop in line with the BBE Boosta and I realy like what I'm getting. It's not over the top like I expectetd before I got it, and that's perfect for what I'm doing.

OD in the Effects Loop? Never thought of that... Whats that like?
NR2112 said:
soundchaser59 said:
I bought a Xotic BB Preamp (from some one here if I remember correclty) and I love it. It adds little or no color of its own unless I tell it to. I put it in the fx loop in line with the BBE Boosta and I realy like what I'm getting. It's not over the top like I expectetd before I got it, and that's perfect for what I'm doing.

OD in the Effects Loop? Never thought of that... Whats that like?

After accidentally configuring my AC Boost in the loop instead of in the front, during a late night pedalboard incident, I found this out. It was muddy, crappy, and had me wondering exactly what else was in that blunt.... :shock: The next day brought clarity and a swap of some stray patch cords.....
I'm not sure what the reply above is saying......it was muddy in the loop? Or you discovered that you like the boost in the loop?

I have been using a Boosta Grande clean boost in the loop for quite some time. I think of it was a way to get a phatter signal to the power section without having to pump too much signal into the front of the amp, cuz I really cant stand that fizzy preamp distortion. (I figured out later that my signal going in to the preamp was too hot, too hot pickups, etc. but that's another thread someday....) I just did it as an experiment. I kept pushing the Boosta hotter and hotter until I started to move away from hard hitting but clean punchy rhythm sounds into the singing almost screaming lead sounds. I wanted to have both, but I only had one boost in the loop. So I started asking about dual channel cleazn boost pedals. Got ideas there, but at the same time I was researching that the BB Preamp came up for sale. Always wanted to try one, so I bought it and just started experimenting. Reading the book "Behind The Glass" will give you the idea that the rules are made to be broken and bent, so I figure if it works and sounds more like what I hear in my head, so be it. Now I can add non-fizzy overdrive to my boosted loop while keeping the clean punchy rhythm sound, without cranking the pre gain. I like this a lot better than running everything into the front.
I have an AC boost with the gain up a bit to give a 4th channel option. Use it mainly on CH1 and run it out front. In the loop the extra gain muddied the sound a bit. I love in front. Don't have a clean boost....

Your idea sounds interesting though. May dial the gain back the try that. :wink:
Thanks for the review. I had both the AC and the BB, and liked the mids of the BB a little more than the AC, but through a non-master amp, the AC sounded a lot better. The EP Booster is a great lead boost for my Mark III when at gig volume. Adds just the right amount of sizzle and plenty of volume boost without going into "Fuzz Land"

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