To answer the questions posed by Johnson in the second post of this thread:
1. I am looking to buy for additional tonal options to the Road King. I want some old school high gain. Mostly looking to record, but I also want ease of flexibility with my current rack and midi setup, and I want an amp I can use live. I would love a head, probably use the speakers in my road king combo til I could get a dedicated cab (the immediate use would be recording, so I don't mind switching the road king speakers). Not too worried about it's collectability and increasing value, although I do want something that will at least hold it's value. (I think that pretty much any C+ that is taken care of should do that, right?)
2. I mostly care about the price - so unless the reverb was killer, I can just use my G-Force reverb. I don't know much about simulClass - is that the ability to control the wattage of the amp, switching between 60 and 100? I'll probably use my own EQ, but again, if the Graphic EQ on the C+ really can enhance the tone a lot more than a rack EQ and it's not too expensive, then I'd consider it. Can I see some commentary on the available options? Guys - what options are worth the money on this amp, and what ones just raise the price and allow you to say it's fully loaded?