I just read another review of the Mark V, filling in some more of the holes:
Apparently, there are three reverb knobs on the back, one for each channel. Sweet!
boogietone said:
The most important question on the MKV is...does it have the "Boogie" emblem on the front?
Seriously, curious as to how good the reverb is? And does it screw with the lead channel like on MKIVb's?
Yes, it does have the Boogie logo. You can kind of see this in the Petrucci rig picture. The head had the same style cab as the recent Mark IV, that is, with the metal bands on the top to hold the amp. There was also a clamp type screw in the back that supported the transformer (or was it the reverb...my memory fails me..).
I forgot to check to see if the footswitch clamped into the chassis, like the Mark IV, but I don;t remember seeing screws on the footswitch itself, so probably not.... I did notice that the footswitch had the cable built-in, like the Mark IV.
I am wondering if they will sell their cabinets with the same Boogie logo/style. A head with matching 2x12 or 4x12 cab would be sweet!
rabies said:
is this a simul-class amp? not mentioned yet. classA switch, etc.???
can you sub in EL34's in the outer sockets?
The amp did say “simul-class” on the back. But since it did not have the same kind of switching as the traditional Mark simul-class (ie. Class A vs. Class AB) and since it has the same power settings as the Lonestar, I would have to agree with the poster who said that it seems more like the Lonestar setup than the traditional Mark…I don’t know…do the Lonestar amps say “Simul-class” on them? Do they allow for different tube types (6L6, EL34, 6V6) like the Mark IV?
For anyone that's tried it, does the Mark V have switches for bright, treble shift, deep, presence, and fat as the Mark 2C+ and IV do?
Are there switches for harmonics/mid-gain and class A/simulclass?
What remote switches are on this amp (other than channels, EQ, FX loop)?
And how many and what type of power tubes are in this?
I did not see switches for treble shift, deep, or presence. Each channel had unique voicing switches.
Another review (here):
clarifies one of the voicings for each channel:
channel 1 voicings- Clean, Fat Clean, Tweed
channel 2 voicings- Edge, Crunch, Mark I
channel 3 voicings- Mark IIc+, Mark IV, Extreme
In addition, there was a Bright/Normal switch on channel 1 (like the old Fenders, I suppose) and the Mark I switch on channel 2, which made it fat and bassy. I forget what the second voicing switch was on channel 3…
Glad you all liked the review! Sorry if it inspired a spike in GAS! :roll: