Would you use Pod XT Live or Boss GT-8 w/ Lonestar Special?

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Oct 5, 2006
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Would you use Pod XT Live or Boss GT-8 w/ Lonestar Special?

If yes, which would work best and why? I'm currently working with comp, delay, od pedals and would like tons more options.

Most players with a Lone Star would more likely be using separate effect pedals or rack gear, but if you like all-in-one pedal systems and can't spring for a TC Electronic G-System (the only true pro-level all-in-one unit, in my opinion), then both the GT-8 and XT Live are very good.

I have a Pod XT Live for occasional use. I chose it because it gives you the ability to turn off the amp modeling and cab simulators at the touch of a button, making it easy to use it for effects only. I think you can do that with the GT-8, too.

So with either one, bypass the modeling and cab sims and put these devices in the effects loop of your Lone Star. Unfortunately, wahs won't sound great since those are best in front of the amp, but the delays will sound best in the loop. Don't use reverb in these items -- the Lone Star has incredible Reverb.

If you can spring for the T-System, you'll get a much more capable effects unit with higher-quality sound. Here's some more info on it:
scottkahn said:
Most players with a Lone Star would more likely be using separate effect pedals

The all in one processors, to me, are tone suckers. They sound too...well, processed. A Lone Star amp sounds best with the least amout of grease applied to it. It's very organic and that's where it shines.
The GT-8 is not a tone sucker at all, very transparent! I've been using it with my rectoverb for over 1 yr and have had great results. Get good quality cables and set all the levels properly and you are good to go.
None of them.
line 6 , digitech,zoom,boss to my ears are all crap.
Dont forget Im comparing them to a mesa amp.
Among them they all really suck too

:p :D :lol:
i have a POD XTL i tried with my STILETTO DEUCE,just for effects ,and i think it sounds like dog crap. much better sounding with a delay and chorus pedal in the loop.
I found that the Boss GT-8 did suck a bit of tone with my Roadster. I can't guess what it would be like with a Lonestar.

Ciao ...
fbomb said:
i have a POD XTL i tried with my STILETTO DEUCE,just for effects ,and i think it sounds like dog crap. much better sounding with a delay and chorus pedal in the loop.

I have an XTL and a Triple rec and I can't find a decent sound either. Tried for hours on several occasions and it is just too noisy.

I use the XTL for recording and to practice at home through my PC that is about all it is good for.
I use the XTL for recording and to practice at home through my PC that is about all it is good for.[/quote]

+ 100
Storm said:
I found that the Boss GT-8 did suck a bit of tone with my Roadster. I can't guess what it would be like with a Lonestar.
Was this running the gt8 with the 4 cable method?
Yep, four wire connection method. It didn't seem to suck tone out of my Marshall Mode Four but my Roadster didn't like it. The Roadster won and the GT-8 was sold :)

Ciao ...
so your tellin me you can sound like you are using a phaser,chorus,or delay with just your fingers. no fx hooked up to your amp? id like to hear that! lol
fbomb said:
so your tellin me you can sound like you are using a phaser,chorus,or delay with just your fingers. no fx hooked up to your amp? id like to hear that! lol

How do you think the inspiration came about for these effects? In my 27 years of being a player, I know people who, with just the change of a pick or mixing finger technique with picking, can do most of what you just asked. I've even seen people do a delayed effect with nothing between his guitar and amp. So Yes, these effects can be achieved with your hands. Think about it and apply it. Don't use these little gadgets as a crutch to compensate for ability, it will never work. Strive to be the player that thinks "out of the box". You'll be glad you did.
Guitarzan said:
fbomb said:
so your tellin me you can sound like you are using a phaser,chorus,or delay with just your fingers. no fx hooked up to your amp? id like to hear that! lol

How do you think the inspiration came about for these effects? In my 27 years of being a player, I know people who, with just the change of a pick or mixing finger technique with picking, can do most of what you just asked. I've even seen people do a delayed effect with nothing between his guitar and amp. So Yes, these effects can be achieved with your hands. Think about it and apply it. Don't use these little gadgets as a crutch to compensate for ability, it will never work. Strive to be the player that thinks "out of the box". You'll be glad you did.

You've got a great point. It's too bad that your exaggerating it as much as you are.

The inspiration for these effects has very little to do with guitars, and most of them existed for other uses before being turned into guitar effects. Most of the effects really can't be duplicated no matter how great a player is. Phaser, Chorus, Flange, or anything else. The best I've ever heard was someone doing a fairly believable delay effect just going straight into their amp, but even then you can still tell it's them playing and not an actual delay pedal.

Too many people mistake effects as compensation for ability, when they're really not.

That said first and foremost your tone is in your fingers. If you can't sound good totally clean without any effects, then you're definitely not ready to be using effects yet.

I've seen people who can make terrible sounding amps sound fantastic just by altering the way they play.