would this pre-500 DR have its original parts ???

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2007
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I have an opportunity for a pre500 DR, can you tell if these are the originals :

OT 562100
EIA 606-033
PT 561136
EIA 606-209
Choke 550381
EIA 606-224 date 7/13/92 and it is signed "Wiley"

just want to make sure it has not been reperared or mod

i want to buy it, i just hope, like said by many on this forum that it is great and will sound better than my other 2 channels DR # 11750 cause the guy is not doing it sheap

I'm the (potential) seller. I've never owned a pre-500 before, so I'll post the pics here and let the forum experts comment:






ha ha !! No i have a JC120 for that purpose
I'm really interested in knowing if the pre-500 thing is real, i will have my dr # 11950 to compare to

next to those big blue caps, there should be a board revision code. It should say either RF-1C or RF-1D in order for it to qualify as a pre500. The serial # next to the rectifier tubes is also a giveaway sign. All else seems to be correct. However, I'm not an engineer by any means so I can't tell if there have been any mods in the wiring. But I would assume no...

BTW danvortex, you better close this deal quick before AdmiralB starts getting offers from people. Or you two better arrive at some agreement...
Board rev is RF-1D.

danvortex can rest assured that he is "caller number one".
i just sent a message to Admiralb that i'm finally going to buy the amp

sorry for my poor english guys, i'm a french Canadian from Quebec...
I could have told you it was a D by the day, because my old 394 was made on July 8th and was a D, so his being July 23rd and S/N later, defintly a D
in fact you are totally wrong Vigo1999, Quebec is about 70 % french but the rest of Canada is 95 % english and they don't give a **** about learning french wich is one of the 2 official languages in the country. There are studies predicting the extinction of french in Canada in about 50 years, but this is another story, i don't really beleive in it since many regions in Quebec are 100% french with very few bilingual people
i can't wait to try it, when i get it i will send my impressions and i will a/B it with my R-11950. I also have a bogner blue revision i will compare it too
danvortex said:
in fact you are totally wrong Vigo1999, Quebec is about 70 % french but the rest of Canada is 95 % english and they don't give a f%&# about learning french wich is one of the 2 official languages in the country. There are studies predicting the extinction of french in Canada in about 50 years, but this is another story, i don't really beleive in it since many regions in Quebec are 100% french with very few bilingual people

i live in New Brunswick
we're the only officially bi-lingual province lol

if you get this, and ever, EVER want to sell it, let me know
i'll A/B it with my other DR and if i don't like it i'll sell it to get a bogner Uberschall wich i think i like a little more than my DR (i had both amps to A/B test, they're in the same league but the Bogner has more crunch and compression) I'll keep you posted about it but my feeling is that i will keep it.