Would a Road King be overkill?

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Old-guy, I understand your view. As a non native English speaker, I might have chosen a bad word. You have made a generalisation, which I am very sensitive to.

Maybe if you added ....who don't really have interest in learning how to play guitar and use it only to show around, then I could agree. I wouldn't buy a PRS to my child, if I knew, that it would be a waste. I hope you get my view. Some way we share the same opinon, I hope I have not offended you.

BTW, I am an EE - Electrical Engineer, or MSc. as you call it.
Scary Guy,

If that's what is in your heart and it matches with the green in your wallet, go do it. Regardless of what is said here, it's your call & you'll have to live with it. For me, the RK is pure Utopia with a 4X12 speaker cab., I wouldn't have it any other way.


No offense was taken! And none was intended.

I wish you success with your career. If you really enjoy music, be sure to keep playing. Even if you just put a little time aside for it. I missed allot of years. (allot of regrets)

Be well!
I've only been playing for 3 years and I have a Road King.
Do I think it's overkill or more than I need? Umm....Yes.
It is alot more than I need right now. But I wanted it and could afford it. So I bought it. It took me months before I actually decided to buy it.
I have had it since Sept.. I don't regret my purchase one bit.
Cochise, what are your guitar playing skills like?

Thanks everyone for the input, well i've been playing guitar for almost 3 year, and I'm a good musician, i feel like i'm quite a solid musician. I take lessons, and know a range of different theory. Anyway's it's one hell of a decision to make.

How much do the RK heads actually go for, the retails $2300 isn't it?

How would a RK compare to a 3 Channel Dual Rec, as far as now, and in the long run.
Hey, you say, that Roadking is expensive. But in Europe, it costs around $4500 !!! Thats ridiculous.
Jaroslav... $5220 in the UK....for the head... and the cab's like $1585, for a traditional Recto, not even the Road Kind cab. Thats why i intend to maybe buy some sort of head, and then get a Mesa cab from Germany for like £550. And i was thinkin' about the road king as more fo an investment than anything.
I think it is overkill if your parents are paying for it (most likely) and you aren't doing any gigging. This is a professional piece of equipment with lots of stuff regular bedroom players don't need. If you want a good amp the Single Rec or Rectoverb is more than good enough for what you need. Think about it : are you John Petrucci? First work on your playing. This amp will not magically turn you into a virtuoso.
SlaveofPain said:
I think it is overkill if your parents are paying for it (most likely) and you aren't doing any gigging. This is a professional piece of equipment with lots of stuff regular bedroom players don't need. If you want a good amp the Single Rec or Rectoverb is more than good enough for what you need. Think about it : are you John Petrucci? First work on your playing. This amp will not magically turn you into a virtuoso.

Actually i'll be paying for it. I played a single rec last year, and it was awsome, but here i wen't and played a rectoverb combo, and it wasn't really nice at all.. So that put me off the decision.

Yes, i am John Petrucci... 8)

I might just save up some cash, for june, when we'll most likely head back to LA. And i'll see what's available.
I may be stating the obvious, but you might want to check that you can buy a local specification amp from a dealer in the States. Otherwise you may need to have the transformer swapped over, which gets pretty expensive - unless the RK works on both 120 and 240 volts.

What a great point. I was so focused on $$$$$$$$ I never even thought
of the difference in voltage.

Great point! Well done!
Different voltage is a very little problem. An outboard 230 V/120 V transformer costs in the order of 50-100 $. I know it, I have an US DR with the transformer. Many people here use it like that.