Will effects in my FX loop affect my tone?

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
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I'm cleaning up and trying to go to all true bypass so my tone doesn't get messed up... the only non TB units I want to keep are my Boss ce-2 chorus and my Keeley modded Boss DD-3. If I put those through my FX loop will it still degrade my tone when I have the effects turned off? This is the first time I'm playing with the loop.
Thanks for the input.
True bypass will affect your tone too.
Everything affects your tone.
Even your breathing :wink:
Sorry, I meant affect my tone as little as possible :wink:
I Love my boogie tone with my PRS and want to keep it as pure as I can, but still have some effects available. Thanks
my best opinion is no they wont really affect your sound. I own a ROV series 2 combo and in the loop I have a tuner,EQ,chorus,dely and reverb pedal. The tuner being the only true bypass. I cannot tell a bit of difference in tone at all. I would steer clear of any known noisy pedals though. I believe if you use decent pedals from the get go you will be fine. I am sure that there are people out there that can tell the difference but if you are like me with a normal set of ears and not doing any proffesional recordings I believe a decent pedal will do,,,of course though I would purchase from a place I could return the item to if it proves to be noisy. But if you can afford or like a certain pedal that is true bypass I would by all means get that one...good luck
If you use good quality rack effects at line level, you shouldn't notice any change in tone. If you do, install a bypass between your amp send and return and the effects.
ylo said:
If you use good quality rack effects at line level, you shouldn't notice any change in tone. If you do, install a bypass between your amp send and return and the effects.
i have one TB and three non-TB pedals in my loop and can't tell the difference when i kick the loop in
Again, all effects in your loop affect tone. Go without.
i started bypassing my FX loop and couldn't be happier. i'm sure it's just psychological but i feel it sound more "pure" than if the loop was engaged.

GRX4 will give you true-bypass also when pedals are not in use. i run a tuner and noise gate in front of the amp but tuners suck tone (at least my TU2 does) and noise gate kill sustain on the clean channel. with a GRX4 you can program it however you want. and if you want to avoid an extra "tap dance" get the CFX4 with the custom cable for your amp. i got mine 3 weeks ago and it's awesome!!! in a couple of weeks i'm getting the GRX4 and my MIDI control will be complete!

for effects i run a slave out of the amp into the rocktron xpression out to the return of a fender performer 1000. with the output of the xpression i can control how much effect i want to dial in.

if you have a combo amp lying around give it a try.
Example: I tried a Boss Reverb pedal in the loop of my Stiletto Ace and it sounded as if someone put a blanket over my amp. I lost tons of highs. I just got a g-major and it doesnt seem to do that but on the other hand it is probable too much for what I need/want. It's the old "Rob Peter to pay Paul routine :D
finnster im wondering what amp your using? I own the ROV series 2 combo and I recently purchased the boss rv-5 reverb and I cant hear any loss in tone. Nothing seems different to me except now I have a decent reverb. Not the best but plenty good for me being digital and all.
I run my effects loop mix knob at full 90%.
recto-robbie said:
finnster im wondering what amp your using? I own the ROV series 2 combo and I recently purchased the boss rv-5 reverb and I cant hear any loss in tone. Nothing seems different to me except now I have a decent reverb. Not the best but plenty good for me being digital and all.
I run my effects loop mix knob at full 90%.

I think this was a RV-3 (older version) Maybe the pedal was bad..was a friends pedal. I used it in the Stiletto Ace..it has a series loop. I think your Recto has a parallel loop..maybe thats the difference. I am no expert though :?

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