Will a Decimator help my MK-IV hum?

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Nov 28, 2008
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Ever since moving to Italy I've noticed a significant amount of "hum" on ,channel 3. I'd assumed it was possibly due to noise being introduced from my pedalboard, so I initially dismissed it. Well, tonight I decided to remove everything from the effects loop...and YIKES it got even louder.

I did notice something that might provide someone a clue. With just the guitar lead plugged in, no guitar, I still had the noise...UNTIL I happened to move the end of the cable right up near the faceplate of the amp. Then it went completely silent. It didn't have to touch the faceplate...just be withing an inch or so.

Is this likely be grounding noise? Could it hopefully be removed with a Decimator-G? The amp is 20 years old, and pray that this isn't due to a faulty component.

Thanks for any advice.

Not trying to scare you but a Mark IV is a very quiet amp. You might want to get it checked out and make sure nothing is wrong. My Mav and DC always have a fair amount of hum but not the Mark IV.
i agree the IV is very quiet, but the lead channel will have some noise to it..maybe not hum per say..but any high gain lead channel, with volume cranked, has some noise when not playing for sure.
I think it MIGHT be some sort of grounding issue. I can BARELY hear the noise on Channel 2 if its cranked, and channel 3 appears to amplify it. I just discovered that a coworker has a G-string pedal so I might give it a go...at least I'll know before buying one.

It might be partially due to me having to use a stepdown transformer to convert the Italian 220V to 120V.

The puzzling thing is how it completely disappears when I place the end of the guitar lead near the front panel. It doesn't have to touch it....just get within an inch or so. The amp goes completely silent when I do this.