why does my racktifier pick up spanish radio???

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2008
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well i got to crank it up the other week

settings were like,
master 10-11
presence ? (low)
bass 10-11
mids 9-1
treble 9-1
gain 1

with a maxon od808 in front.
and that lundgren M7 pickup

when im not playing,
spanish radio is coming through my cab pretty loud

i turned off the pedal thinking the extra gain was doing it,
but no.
what made it go away was turning down the gain on the recto
well funk that.

how do i get rid of it while keeping the gain set where i want it?

a furman power conditioner?
a noise gate?
redo my guitar wiring job?

is it my eurotubes jj high gain front end?

help, its embarrassing.
i dont know but i pick up that same **** mexican station... ITS ALWAYS A **** MEXICAN STATION!!!!

i found using better cables yielded no radio stations if that helps
i use Monster Cable, rock.

i have been putting off getting those Mogami's..

yeah, i plan to get the conditioner
but ****, i still need an attenuator
and then a parametric..

i dont know about that power conditioner resolving the issue as im using a decent furman and i still get the station.
One night we set up, ran sound check went off to eat. Came back started the show and my keyboard amp had a local radio station just as loud as could be. I had to kill it and mix in the ears. It was slightly entertaining once we had the workaround. :) I had no time to play with experiment its "going away". It would have been a fun to do experiment though.
I had a Nomad 55 once and it used to pick up what I believe was AM radio, but not too loud.
my fuzz factory sually picks up political AM stations.. same with the wah....
I remember reading somewhere (could have been on here) that someone else who was getting that issue solved it by plugging the shielded end on his planet waves cable into the amp.

I have picked up the occasional radio station on my Ace but never since I adopted the advice above (could be coincidence)
A noise gate in the effects loop will get rid of the problem. When you stop playing, it cuts the feed to the poweramp, so basically nothing gets through, no buzz, no intereference, and hopefully no Spanish radio ;)

I find some kind of noise solution is a must with almost any high-gain amp.
A ferrite bead on the power cable or guitar cable can act as an EMI/RFI choke, and will often solve this sort of problem. It's a pretty inexpensive solution, it'll only cost you a couple of bucks. A friend of mine used to have a Mark IV that picked up the local emergency bands, and this stopped it dead.
voodoo_child said:
A noise gate in the effects loop will get rid of the problem. When you stop playing, it cuts the feed to the poweramp, so basically nothing gets through, no buzz, no intereference, and hopefully no Spanish radio ;)

I find some kind of noise solution is a must with almost any high-gain amp.
I agree. I run a Boss NS-2 in front of my amp. Dont know what I would do without it.....
This is really funny because I have a bad cable that also picked up Spanish-language radio, Mexican from the accents.

The funny thing is, I LIVE IN CANADA. That is some serious troposcatter...!
voodoo_child said:
A noise gate in the effects loop will get rid of the problem. When you stop playing, it cuts the feed to the poweramp, so basically nothing gets through, no buzz, no intereference, and hopefully no Spanish radio ;)

I find some kind of noise solution is a must with almost any high-gain amp.

i have to disagree with this as a solution for the radio stations because i can hear the station coming through while im playing, especially when i'm playing clean. its actually so annoying that i have to just turn everything off and come back to the amp a few hours later.
Sorry, I should have been serious. Usually this comes from a bad cable or occasionally a bad input jack on a pedal, or a combination of the two. Go down to guitar => cable => amp and see if it still happens, if so, try with a different cable. Then add pieces until you start hearing the radio again...