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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2006
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Blowing cash on gear
I bought a PRS CU-24 10 top with birds... Love it. Thought I would be content...

Started lusting after a Les Paul.

Bought a Les Paul Standard Premium AAA Flame Top. Love it. Thought I would be content...

Started lusting after a Strat.

Bought an American Deluxe HSS Strat. You guessed it - Love it. Thought I would be content...

Now I am looking at a PRS McCarty 10 top with birds...

When does it end? Why do I lay in bed at night and see the firggin thing dancing around on my eyelids? Why do I sit in in board meetings and watch people talking about a business related topic but only hear them all mutually trying to convince me to get this McCarty?

Is there a Betty Ford clinic for this and how did I get here?
My problem is similar to yours, the only difference is that I am content with my guitars and want more.

The best way to cure it is to bond with what you've got.
Don't feel bad! I have a PRS Custom 22 Artist Package and a Road King head and 4x12 on order. All I have is a Monster cable with nothing to plug in either end! :roll:
That happened to me once, I made GC give me a loaner boogie and PRS.

So long as I was willing to put it on my guitar, they told me to keep it until my stuff came in and they would refund my card...
When you hit 24 guitars and 30 amps, it's time for help.
What cured me was the new manager at the local GC.
An idiot and a prick = banned by me. Three months and no G.A.S.

(Still want Mesa 2X12 and High Gain Amp Switch)
Currently taking medication to resist and blaming it on my childhood.
Ya, I had a Mark IV and several guitars years ago, got rid of all of it for different reasons and now I'm dying to get back into it. Oh well, not long now, should have the Boogie anyday and the PRS within a few months.

I know what you're saying though. I don't even have my Road King yet and already want another Mark IV. A McCarty would be sweet too!!
Some days I just feel like my job on this earth is making guitar selling a profitable lifestyle for local dealers...

I just sold my Roadster and picked up a vertical 2x12 to compliment my DC-5.

The thing that really sucks is that I am already thinking of my next amp for after I have the McCarty hit...

I swear I'll wake up in an alley next to a guitar shop with a bottle of mad dog 20/20 offering to clean windshields with my coat sleeve one day...
once you look and say "sh**, i really need the money for other things"....then it stops. at least with me it has.

the other way is to just narrow down, A LOT, (did i mention NARROW DOWN?) to where you find the one piece of equipment that will satisfy ALL of your needs. then you concentrate on that one piece. usually, that one piece will be difficult to obtain, and all of your GAS will focus solely on attaining that one piece. you wont have time to GAS over other junk because all your efforts are focused on that one piece.

As an example, let me state how I narrowed down my search:

Best cab: Mesa 4x12. got it.
Best distortion: 1992 pre-500 dual recto. got it.
Best lead tone: mark2c+. don't have it yet....
Best cleans: fender twin. not yet.
Best guitar, for my tastes, to cover all my grounds, and directly satisfy the type of music I most create and play: PRS modern eagle (retrofitted with Dragon1 pickups). don't got it yet...
Best Bass guitar: Pre-1998 Warwick Streamer Stage 2 (incubus,311). got it.
Best Bass amp: Eden WT 400 or 800. not yet
Best bass cab: Eden 4x10XLT. not yet.
Effects, cables, stompboxes....not yet.

As you can see, I'm not anywhere close to finishing. If you calculate all that, it's in the ballpark of $10,000 left to purchase, which for a college student is not easy to throw down all at once.

I just concentrated on getting the best of each thing. Why would I want 10 different cleans? It doesn't make sense to me when you can have the best clean. Go for the things that you will play because they mesh with the music styles you play. If I play vintage rock once every 2 months for 30 minutes, is it really worth buying a $3000 guitar and amp when I can just dial in a "good enough" tone on my current amp? I go for the purity of things. I like the purest gear that will produce the purest and most beautiful (and nasty!) tones.

Anyways, that was my way to KILL GAS. Just concentrate on what you really really want and see yourself taking to the grave. Then focus on getting those things. By the time you get it, you should not only be thinking to yourself "This piece was the best out there, and after all this time, was it even worth it?", but you should be satisfied by saying "Well I finally got the best piece available...everything else seems worthless to me and not worth my time."

Also....STOP visiting message boards where people talk about GAS all day long! (ie harmony central, gear page)....that stuff kills you!

P.S. this is not to say I'll never throw in a good Les Paul, marshall, acoustic, and something with EMG's. So no, it never ends, but i like to think i've found a way to try and end it.

sorry for the long philosophical rant.
Elpelotero, you mentioned some of the amps you like pertaining to certain years and to what I assume certain serial numbers?....just curious as to why you like those particular ones and how you can tell when an amp was made?

I have a Dual Rectifier amp head that I'm trying to figure out when was produced. I have a feeling it was in the middle 90's cuz the guy who i bought from (original owner) bought it around that time, I think...plus, it just has a way more organic/authentic tone than the new ones do. The new ones are very harsh, imho.

any info would be appreciated, thanks!
where is my post???

I was giving advice

i said:
Sell everything you have ab=nd buiy all the guitars you can with your money , then Gas stops
Elpelotero said:
Best distortion: 1992 pre-500 dual recto. got it.

idk, i just thought of my mid 90's dual rectifier and how i like the sound of the older ones as opposed to the new ones. I was just wondering what your reason was for liking the older ones as well, thats all... :?
I don't think it can be stopped. GAS is going to hit every so often. After I bought my LSC, I thought I was done. Some new guys I play with have a practice room down in a basement. The LSC is too much for the session. GAS for a DR was still rumbling and I got a sweet deal on a DRRI. The DRRI is fine, but it's no LSC.

Now I'm trying to find a LSC type tone in a 40 pound box. GAS leads me to an Allen Accomplice, which I hope does the LSC well. I get it tomorrow. I hoped to sell the DRRI before I bought a new amp, but couldn't hold out.

GAS has now passed, but for how long?
picnic said:
I don't think it can be stopped. GAS is going to hit every so often. After I bought my LSC, I thought I was done. Some new guys I play with have a practice room down in a basement. The LSC is too much for the session. GAS for a DR was still rumbling and I got a sweet deal on a DRRI. The DRRI is fine, but it's no LSC.

Now I'm trying to find a LSC type tone in a 40 pound box. GAS leads me to an Allen Accomplice, which I hope does the LSC well. I get it tomorrow. I hoped to sell the DRRI before I bought a new amp, but couldn't hold out.

GAS has now passed, but for how long?

huh? :?

um, not sure if ya just didnt want to answer my question or you dont even know that i asked one? :lol:

I'm just curious why brand new mesa amps these days don't sound as good as the older ones?...I can understand the vintage stuff from 20 years back and on but even mesa amps that are only 10 years old (which i suspect is mine) sound better and more musical. Someone once mentioned to me something about clipping circuitry in the new Dual Rectifiers that make the distortion sound more harsh that the older ones from 10 years back and on?....no sure, anyone wanna help out here? :?
the first 500 dual rectifiers featured different circuit boards and transformers than their latter brothers. their sound can be described as very tight, articulate, and clear (great note separation, clarity). they are not harsh at all and are often considered, to those aware of their existence, to be the "sweetest" sounding rectifiers. However, the change is not so much so that it sounds like a different amp. A dual rectifier sounds like a rectifier. it is just that some have some different seasonings i guess you can say. If you have a mid 90's DR, those are also very desirable. I would take any 2channel recto. they're all good. Any 2ch, IMO, is better than a 3ch as far as tone. So, in other words....don't worry about it!
wow, I thought it was something like that but did not know the technical reasons behind it, all I know is that amps that are at least 10 years old just sound better than newer ones. But yeah, totally right about a rectifier sounding like a rectifier some just have different seasonings-well said my friend. 8) kudos!

Elpelotero said:
If you have a mid 90's DR, those are also very desirable. I would take any 2channel recto. they're all good. Any 2ch, IMO, is better than a 3ch as far as tone. So, in other words....don't worry about it!
HA HA :lol: ...thats kewl. yeah, well I wasn't 'worried' at all as so much as i was extremely curious because of my own experience with Mesas.

thanks again Ele, your info has really really helped me out!

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