Who uses the orange?

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Jan 11, 2008
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I use the orange channel on my 3 channel Recto rather than the red.
Any one else do the the same?
I've got a late 90s two channel DR and prefer the Orange channel cloned to Red over the Red channel. I don't care for the Orange channel on vintage though. I find the Orange set to Red much fuller and not as 'wide' sounding as straight up Red.
When I had my 3 channel TR, I mainly used the Orange. I used the Red for a dirty channel, and the Orange for the distortion.

Now that I have a 2 channel DR, I have to use the Red channel because I also need a clean. If I clone the Orange to Red, then I don't have a clean.

Mesa says that the Orange and Red channels are exactly the same, but the Red has a higher presence. I disagree. The Orange channel is has more "girth" to it that can't be dialed in on the Red channel. I even phoned them up at one point to see if there was anything I could do to get the Red to sound like the Orange and they told me they are exactly the same. My ears tell me different.

I think it may have something to do with the Red channel's negative feedback, or lack of.
I have a 2-ch trem-o-verb dually and I clone my org to red and simply use the original org for my cleans I find it works absolutely perfect I get nice crystal cleans and girthy distortion. I kick on the reverb for my lead as I find it tends to smooth it out and gives it a good soloing tone.Are you having a problem getting clean with your channels cloned?
I'm not to sure what you mean about cloning, I set my Red and my Orange channel the same, but less gain on the Red, for half gain stuff.
To me its seems most people primarily use the Red channel to get down and dirty, I thought that I was being weird or something.
I'm having a have time getting a Sweet clean on the Green though, but I do own a Mark IV.
on the back of the chassis you should be able to see theres a little switch that says "Vintage to Red", "Normal" or "Modern to ORG" or something to that effect. That is cloning. if you set vintage to red, you can run vintage to through the red channel and get that wicked girty tone while still getting to use your cleans.. I think I put it easily enough but if my quotes are wrong, dont' shoot me. haha anyways thats whats known as cloning, you dupicate the channel to the other channel so really this amp has three different potential amp configurations...
EMGguitarist said:
on the back of the chassis you should be able to see theres a little switch that says "Vintage to Red", "Normal" or "Modern to ORG" or something to that effect. That is cloning. if you set vintage to red, you can run vintage to through the red channel and get that wicked girty tone while still getting to use your cleans.. I think I put it easily enough but if my quotes are wrong, dont' shoot me. haha anyways thats whats known as cloning, you dupicate the channel to the other channel so really this amp has three different potential amp configurations...

The OP has a 3 channel version. He doesn't have the channel cloning switches on the back. Instead he has the Raw/Vintage/Modern switch for each of the Orange and Red channels on the front of the amp.

Edit: The 2 channel amp actually has more than 3 configurations it could run, but you can only use 2 of them at a time.
I use the orange in vintage on my 3 ch. rec with the gain low and a low gain od pedal for my main tone. I think the cab you use makes a lot of difference when comparing channels.
The orange vintage sold me the 3ch TR. I love the hotrodded marshall sound with more growl so its perfect. But i find orange vintage on the 2ch TR to have much less growl. Also I find red modern on the 3ch to have such a greater amount of gain than the 2ch red modern for what its worth.

With the presence - i find it hard to believe but the manual says if you get an identical presence pot from the orange ch and install it in red you will have two identical orange channels - and vice versa.
I use the orange/ vintage on my three channel "Rec" as my main sound for quite some time now. It gives me that Dumbleishious tone that sounds good for just about everything that I gig with. I do like the red channel for a big or super thick chorus of the song thing, but with the the big "O" and an AC booster, I can pretty much do about an thing thrown at me. :)

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