Who has a cab clone and likes it?

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Oct 30, 2014
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Got one on the way. Interested in opinions. I'm wondering what folks are doing about the seeming lack of tone in the bass region in regards to running the Cab Clone without a speaker. I've seen this in a youtube video.
jamesfarrell said:
Got one on the way. Interested in opinions. I'm wondering what folks are doing about the seeming lack of tone in the bass region in regards to running the Cab Clone without a speaker. I've seen this in a youtube video.

There is a slight loss of low-end when using the built-in load, however this is something usually compensated for at the console. The recordings we did in-house were purposely not-compensated, but in most situations all final EQ'ing is done at the board. Thanks!
I'm using the cab clone built in to my MV25 to practice at low volume and I love it. I actually seem to be getting more low-end that way than with the external speaker. Could be my monitors, though, as they are pretty thumpy.

I want to get a standalone cab clone to replace my Radial JDX for my other amps. Having the dummy load and no wall-wart seems like win-win.

My Rock Crusher does a good job as an attenuator, but the tone coming out of the line out is terrible. Totally unuseable. The JDX sounds great, but it also loses a bit of low-end. Like Authorized mentioned, easily compensated on the console. I have been using it for FOH and making my Mini Rec sound HUGE.
That's what I just did. Got rid of my JDX as I'd like to have the silent option. The difference is substantial however with a resistive vs speaker load. Hopefully, as mentioned, the addition of bass from the console will compensate.

I'm pretty happy with the cabclone. My band is almost done with a new song where we recorded all the guitars with the cab clone - in a mix you don't really miss the low end as it usually gets eq'd out anyway. I'll post it when the mix is done.
I've been using the Cab Clone since it came out. I use it in my home studio without a speaker into my computer for silent recording and practice. I love that I can use my real amps now instead of relying on the modeling software I was using before.

I also started using the cab clone at my church gig. We use IEMs and have iso boxes for our cabs, and before I was using a 112 cab with a C90 speaker, miked with a SM57. The speaker/mike setup sounded good, but wasn't a perfect solution as I was still getting some odd resonant frequencies from the iso box. Plus if the mike got moved slightly it would throw things off. I started using the cab clone instead of miking the cab, although I still use the cab as a load because to me I get a better "feel" from the amp with the speaker compared to the resistive load in the Cab Clone. The Cab Clone is sending a more solid, consistent sound to the FOH compared to the mike, and I feel like I'm getting a "bigger" sound compared to miking the single 12.

So for me the Cab Clone has been a welcome addition. I can't wait to try the built in Cab Clone in the Mark V:25 I plan to buy next year! :D
I've used the cabclone for recording and for gigs. Matter of fact, the last 4 gigs I've played were in very small restaurants where the quieter the better, and I've been smiling ear to ear over this thing. I can get a sweeter tone direct into my Bose L1 PA than I ever had squashing my LSC down to a manageable stage volume. My bandmates love it too.
My band released our single today. All guitars are cab clone from the Rectoverb 25.


I've just bought one. The only problem I have with it is the low output volume on the headphone socket. May well be the impedance of the phones I'm using but none of the ones I have work well unless I crank the masters on the amp higher than what I'd normally use gigging.

I have one and I like it very much on the stage and in the studio. I haven't noticed any negative loss in any EQ region.
Pilotltd said:
I've just bought one. The only problem I have with it is the low output volume on the headphone socket. May well be the impedance of the phones I'm using but none of the ones I have work well unless I crank the masters on the amp higher than what I'd normally use gigging.


Its important to use good quality, low-impedance headphones - between 16 and 32 ohms. As the impedance of a pair of headphones increases, more voltage (at a given current) is required to drive it, and the loudness of the headphones for a given voltage decreases.

I have a Mark V 25 that have the Cab Clone (without the vintage mode) built in, but I don't really like the sound of it.
I have a Two Notes Live instead and using this with the amp, the amp really rocks.
All these cab simulators don't really capture the real tone if you compare it with a real cabinet.
2 Boogie said:
All these cab simulators don't really capture the real tone if you compare it with a real cabinet.
They aren't designed to. I believe they are intending to simulate the sound you get at the mixer of a mic'd cab.
The Two Notes incorporates a lot of eq-ing into what you hear on the output which is why it sounds so produced and nice.
dbagchee said:
My band released our single today. All guitars are cab clone from the Rectoverb 25.



Very respectable tones!!! I have mine sitting in my studio untried, and I'm looking forward to the results.
Thinking about getting a Cab clone and was wondering if you can plug a mp3 or computer into the cab clone for backing tracks ??..... I was wanting to use it for home practice and hoping you could plug a mp3 into it for backing tracks while practicing ...... I would mainly be using it for silent practice
Fumble Fingers said:
Thinking about getting a Cab clone and was wondering if you can plug a mp3 or computer into the cab clone for backing tracks ??..... I was wanting to use it for home practice and hoping you could plug a mp3 into it for backing tracks while practicing ...... I would mainly be using it for silent practice

There is no Aux in on the CabClone. I would recommend running the DI signal to a mixer/console where you can also input the MP3 signal, then use the headphone out on the mixer.
Hey there all...

New to the boards, but I have two Cab Clones and LOVE them. However, I hated it upon the initial 30 minutes or so... I had found great settings on my ISP Theta and the Cab Clone sounded quite bad. Decided to alter the snot out of Theta's EQ and man oh man I love the Cab Clone now. I run them both direct with the ISP Stealth driving them, no cabs, and it sounds amazing. Vintage setting on one side, Open back on the other. The Cab Clone made me get rid of my Torpedo CAB (mid trade for a Formula Pre!). :)

I have had trouble with my CabClone at home on clean settings. It tends to come out distorted and scratchy even when the amp isn't sounding that way.

Have you noticed such a thing? I definitely get it with my full CC, and I think I remember that being an issue with the MV:25 when I had that.

I don't have an issue with it at my rehearsal studio with my RA100.

I tried a 20dB pad at the mic input of my board at home and it made no difference, so it is not overdriving the mic input.

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