Who doesn't use Celestion V30's with their Mark?

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
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San Jose, CA
I don't. Should I be? I have a crate closed back with warehouse speakers (clones of celestion classic lead). I also have a epiphone closed back with a Celestion vintage 30. I just love the fat, thick low midrange+bass of the warehouse guitar speakers. I plug into the 1x12 and there is little to no low end. It could be the crappy cab, but the speaker sounds harsh and tight. If I pump up the lo contour of the BBE, I get tons of low-end, but the highs get lost and become gritty. There is no even balance. It just sounds exactly like Mustaine's sound which I'm not a big fan of. :lol:

Who else get fat distortion tones with their non-celestions? Maybe I'll look into those if and when I decide to change speakers. :)
I replaced the V30's in my 2x12 recto cab with G12T-100's. I found the 30's to be extremely ice-pickey and I didn't care for their lack of thump. The t-100's are a more scooped and match up with the mid heavy mark amps very well.
Be careful with the BBE! They do a decent job of emulating the low thump of a loud closed-back cabinet at bedroom levels, but in the context of a band mix at band volume, they might not add anything desirable and can easily ruin the mix.
Don't feel bad, I use a crappy Crate V212 2x12 with the stock garbage speakers (it was like a $120 cab new), until I can afford my Mesa 4x12. It honestly has all the low end thump, mid range grind, and singing high end I need for prog metal. For a junky cab it surprisingly performs well for a 120 watter. It has nearly the same tonal response as nicer speakers, but with slightly more low end breakup (which is actually kind of nice sometimes). It actually blows my Marshall MC 4x12 out of the water tonally...but it's still no Mesa cab...
Eminence MS-12 150 watt and EVM-12L 200 watt are my favorite non-Celestion speakers for the Mark series Boogies. The only Celestion that I have heard that I liked with the Mark is the 25 watt greenback, but you need at least four of them if you want to play it loud. 8)
I'm not really sure about "ice picky" tone coming from any Mesa with V30s, maybe it's your settings.
On my tremoverb, I actually turn the treble all the way off, and adjust the presence as needed for high end, but I'm not going for that scooped mids/metal tone either.
I didn't like v30's with my mark4 either. EVM's are good but a tad midrangey for my style. I'm using t-100's now. t-75's are good too
i think v30s sound great with a mark IV..there's a reason it's the most used IMO. i play out of a recto 2x12 and i love it, also rented a recto 4x12 for 3 days, and it was amazing as well..can't speak highly enough about em.
Here is a comparison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9acguJjsgDg

HAve a speaker sounds is as much influenced by the cabinet as the drivers , if not more.

The marshall 1960 vintage with v30`s sounded very different from the boogie cabs with the same drivers.

I intend to buy both becasue the both do different things better.
cremona said:
Here is a comparison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9acguJjsgDg

HAve a speaker sounds is as much influenced by the cabinet as the drivers, if not more.
Awesome video, the vintage 30 sounds insanely much better than the other speakers.

What do you mean by drivers?
tony777 said:
cremona said:
Here is a comparison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9acguJjsgDg

HAve a speaker sounds is as much influenced by the cabinet as the drivers, if not more.
Awesome video, the vintage 30 sounds insanely much better than the other speakers.

What do you mean by drivers?

The 4 speaker driver`s in the cab :wink:

I also think the vintage 30 `s where the winner by a long shot.

But there is no right or wrong just different preferences.

IMO for crunchy rytmen gutar sounds the v30 rule, for solo stuff there are alternativs that work better again IMO .

For clean sound the old black shadow`s is the best i have ever heard .
Hmm no its not the same thing, the are two out of several components that make up the sound of what we call a speaker.

A example my sonus faber Cremona hifi speakers have two 6.5 inch scanspeak revolator bass drivers one scanspeak revelator 5.5 inch midrange driver and one neo dynamic tweeter also from scanspeak , and a first order crossover with mundorf supreem caps.

You can find 10 speakers that have that config , but the sound hugly different because the cabinet is different and different crossover`s.

The boogie cabs has four 12 inch celestion vintage 30`drivers. ( and no crossover )

Its the synagi and resonance between the drivers and cabinet dimensions , construktion and back plate that makes up the sound, Not just the individuel drivers.

BTW Fenders top of the Line extension cab is loaded with vintage 30`s

I think the stock marshalls with 75 gt sounds crappy compard to the vintage and so do the becasue the cost alot more.

cremona said:
Here is a comparison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9acguJjsgDg

HAve a speaker sounds is as much influenced by the cabinet as the drivers , if not more.

The marshall 1960 vintage with v30`s sounded very different from the boogie cabs with the same drivers.

I intend to buy both becasue the both do different things better.

Awesome video! Thanks for posting. FWIW, my celestion v30 sounds nowhere close to what that guy was getting. :lol: Maybe its my cab? But again, he was playing bluesy leads and not chugga chugga rhythm. Lead sounds good through my v30. But power chords dont have that depth to them.

I plugged in the blackstar with no effects through my 4x12 and even that sounds awesome! fat and thick. But yeah, highs are less. Maybe I should get a couple of v30's and mix with my celestion lead clones. :)
I got rid of all my V30's- open 1x12, closed 1x12 and closed 2x12 cabs- They caused ear fatigue to me, as I found them too 'ice picky" as someone else said. I guess they just aren't right for the type of music I play. That is with my Mk IV and Heartbreaker.

I now use an EVM-12L in a Mesa theile cab and in an open back 1x12. They sound great, very "present" and full across the sound spectrum. But, I also have a Marshall horizontal mounted 2x12 (like a mini 412) with Cel. G12t-75's. That old vintage cabinet has this great smooth, warm, balanced tone. it isn't as bright, clear and present as the EV, but for vintage rock it has "that" tone. Someone earlier didn't care for this speaker, but it is a compliment to the EVM. Very different, and you have to re-EQ your settings, but it turns tube distortion and snarly lead tones into angel voices, like the classic Marshall type sound. I definitely like it, and realize it is a huge contrast to the EVM, but that is the beauty of having a head and cabs!
when i dont want/need extreme volume, i put my EVMs on hold and go with my V50 Black Shadows loaded cabs. they break up well, no harsh and smooth sounding, sweet higsh and marvellous mids (God, i love those speakers :D )

when i run my mkIII with a 2x12 cab loaded with Warehouse Veteran30s she also sounds great tho.
I love my EVM-12Ls but I also like the V30 (once broken in) as well. They're both good for different things but if I had to choose one I'd go for the EV.
Platypus said:
I love my EVM-12Ls but I also like the V30 (once broken in) as well. They're both good for different things but if I had to choose one I'd go for the EV.

My marshall with V30`s is bran new , i orderd a new one and was deleverd this monday.

Have much massage do the the 30`s need before the come to there own ?
V30s sounded best with my MKIV and t-75's with my V. I have yet to find what works with my IIC+.

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