Which Preamp-Set from Eurotubes for DR ?

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2009
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Hi folks,

I'm thinking of getting a tube set from Eurotubes, just for the fun :)

Anyway, has anybody experience with either the "Mesa Dual Rec Personal Fav Front End" or the "Mesa Dual Rec High Gain Front End" ? I don't need insane amounts of gain, but a heavy, modern tone from Channel 3 and a good clean tone is what I want. Both sets should offer it, but where exactly are the differencies ? Recommendations ?
UnderJollyRoger said:
Hi folks,

I'm thinking of getting a tube set from Eurotubes, just for the fun :)

Anyway, has anybody experience with either the "Mesa Dual Rec Personal Fav Front End" or the "Mesa Dual Rec High Gain Front End" ? I don't need insane amounts of gain, but a heavy, modern tone from Channel 3 and a good clean tone is what I want. Both sets should offer it, but where exactly are the differencies ? Recommendations ?
Not much of a difference either way. The eurotube set is pretty descent sounding IMO. Also IMO the gold pin improvement is pure myth. Not worth the extra $$. Id go with the regular set or regular high gain set.


I like the Dougs tubes Mesa preamp tube set best.
Regular JJ ECC83S are awesome in the gain and cathode follower positions in my Dual Recto. I am currently using a Sylvania 12AX7 in V1 and am digging this combination.

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